Today we are excited to announce the release of 5 new neural voices in American English (en-US) and introduce 10 new speaking styles. The new speaking styles include 8 emotions, in addition to shouting and whispering. Customers can access the new spe...
NeuralHD: Optimized for quality. For a demonstration of OpenAI voices in Azure OpenAI Studio and Speech Studio, view thisintroductory video. Available text to speech voices in Azure AI services You might ask: If I want to use an OpenAI text to speech voice, should I use it via the Azure...
Here's more information about neural text to speech features in the Speech service, and how they overcome the limits of traditional text to speech systems:Real-time speech synthesis: Use the Speech SDK or REST API to convert text to speech by using prebuilt neural voices or custom neural ...
4Selected text to speech voices are available via two model variants: Neural and NeuralHD. Learn more here. 5自定义 2023 年 10 月 1 日或之后发布的任何基础模型时,可以使用自定义语音识别训练。 6个人声音是受限访问功能,仅限特定预先批准的用例,并且需要申请访问权限。要了解有关服务的详细信息,请检查...
The Azure AI Speech service supports OpenAI text to speech voices. For more information, see What are OpenAI text to speech voices?. The custom voice API is available for creating and managing professional and personal custom neural voice models. Release notes Choose a service or resource SDK CL...
you need to subscribe to the VisemeReceived event inSpeech SDK(The TTS REST API doesn’t support viseme). The following snippet illustrates how to subscribe to the viseme event in C#. Viseme only supports English (United States) neural voices at the moment but wi...
[ // Redacted for brevity {"Name":"Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (en-US, JennyNeural)","DisplayName":"Jenny","LocalName":"Jenny","ShortName":"en-US-JennyNeural","Gender":"Female","Locale":"en-US","LocaleName":"English (United States)","StyleList": ["assistant"...
TTS_voicename = "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural" TTS_KEY = 'your key' TTS_region = 'eastus' TTS_locale = "zh-CN" #获取受支持语音列表 def get_voices(): region = TTS_region key = TTS_KEY url = 'https://{}
lang', 'en-US') # zh-CN-YunyeNeural、zh-CN-YunxiNeural 是使用什么声音输出,可以看代码最后一行app.get_voices_list()获取节点支持的语音输出类型,填ShortName # voice.set('name', 'zh-CN-YunyeNeural') # Short name for 'Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (en-US, Guy24KRUS)' ...
接着,根据官方文档的配置,选择一个语音机器人: 纯文本 wuu-CN-XiaotongNeural1(女)wuu-CN-YunzheNeural1(男) 不支持yue-CN中文(粤语,简体) yue-CN纯文本 yue-CN-XiaoMinNeural...