TTS_voicename = "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural" TTS_KEY = 'your key' TTS_region = 'eastus' TTS_locale = "zh-CN" #获取受支持语音列表 def get_voices(): region = TTS_region key = TTS_KEY url = 'https://{}
我们前面一章介绍了什么Custom Speech和Azure提供的工具Speech Studio, 我们先回顾一下:实际上Azure通过提供工具Speech studio来帮助大家定制化自己的语音识别、语音合成、以及另外一个非常强大的工具有声内容生成器, 同时我们需要理解自定义语音识别或者自定义语音合成的基本步骤都是: 准备用于训练的基础数据 用Speech studi...
input_file_path = input_file_path_text locale = TTS_locale url = 'https://{}'.format(region) header = { 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': key voice_identities = [ { 'voicename': TTS_voicename } ] payload = {...
speechConfig.SpeechSynthesisLanguage = "en-US"; speechConfig.SpeechSynthesisVoiceName = "en-US-AvaMultilingualNeural"; } 所有神经网络声音都是多语言的,并且能够流利地使用自己的语言和英语。 例如,如果英语的输入文本为“I'm excited to try text to speech”并且你选择了 es-ES-ElviraNeural,则该文本将...
docker pull 注意 適用於自訂語音容器的locale和voice是由容器內嵌的自訂模型所決定。 取得模型識別碼 您必須先知道自訂模型或基底模型識別碼的模型識別碼,才能執行容器。 當您執行容器時,您會指定要下載並使用的...
Custom neural voice Show 5 more In this overview, you learn about the benefits and capabilities of the text to speech feature of the Speech service, which is part of Azure AI services. Text to speech enables your applications, tools, or devices to convert text into human like synthesized spe...
刪除批次合成 DELETE texttospeech/batchsyntheses/YourSynthesisId 如需程式碼範例,請參閱 GitHub。 建立批次合成 若要提交批次合成要求,請根據下列指示來建構 HTTP PUT 要求路徑與本文: 設定必要的 inputKind 屬性。 如果inputKind 屬性設定為 "PlainText",則您也必須在 synthesisConfig 中設定 voice 屬性。 在下列...
Add voice to your app in 15 minutes Build a voice-enabled bot Deploy Azure TTS voices on prem with-Speech Containers Build your custom voice Improve synthesis with the Audio Content Creation tool Visit our Speech page to explore more speech scenarios...
4OpenAI text to speech voices are available via two model variants: Neural and NeuralHD. Learn morehere. 5Custom Speech Training applies when customizing any base model released on or after October 1, 2023. 6Personal Voice is a limited access feature restricted to certainpre-approved use cases...
In general, Neural TTS can convert text to lifelike speech, however there are nuances that can always be improved. For example, we have customers who have requested the ability to support a scenario where Katja, our de-DE neural voice, can pronounce English w...