{aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e}","subnetPrefix": "","macAddress": "000123456789","ruleName": "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/resourceGroups/testresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/testnsg/securityRules/default-allow-...
虛擬機器名稱輸入lb-TestVM。 區域選取 [(美國) 美國東部]。 可用性選項選取 [不需要基礎結構備援]。 安全性類型選取 [標準]。 映像選取 [Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - x64 Gen2]。 Azure Spot 執行個體將預設值保留為未選取。 大小選擇 VM 大小或接受預設設定。
网络安全组 (NSG)。 Azure 负载均衡器。这些资源是临时的,仅在负载测试运行期间存在。 如果对在子网中部署公共 IP 地址、Azure 负载均衡器或网络安全组有限制,则可以禁用这些资源的部署。 有关详细信息,请参阅配置负载测试。如果限制对虚拟网络的访问,则需要配置虚拟网络,以启用这些 Azure 负载测试和注入的 VM 之...
針對多層式虛擬機型應用程式,建議為每個裝載虛擬機角色的子網建立專用網路安全組(下圖中的 NSG)。在此圖表中:應用程式的每一層都裝載在專用子網中,例如前端層、應用層和數據層。 每個子網都會設定網路安全組。以與圖所示不同的方式設定網路安全組可能會導致部分或所有網路安全組的設定不正確,而且可以在疑難解答時...
The maximum number of rules that can be specified across all the endpoints on a Batch Pool is 25. If no network security group rules are specified, a default rule will be created to allow inbound access to the specified backendPort. If the maximum number of network security group rules is...
The maximum number of rules that can be specified across all the endpoints on a Batch Pool is 25. If no network security group rules are specified, a default rule will be created to allow inbound access to the specified backendPort. If the maximum number of network security group rules is...
and destination network parameters. However, in addition toAlloworDeny, there’s a third option toAlways Allow. The traffic that meets theAlways Allowrule would be allowed without getting evaluated by NSG rules or lower priority security adminrules. You can useA...
status 0:tcp timeout. Connection is not possible. Check firewall, NSG rules and if the network connectivity exists between the on-premise network and MI subnet status: -1:MI SQL Agent job timeout. The reverse connectivity job might have failed to start. Please ...
DB for Maria DB Virtual Network Rule Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/virtualNetworkRules vnetrule- prefix numbering 1-128 vnetrule-${infix}-${outfix}-${suffix}-${numbering} vnetrule-ldo-uks-prd-01 DB for MySQL Server Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers mysql- prefix numbering 3-63 mysql-${infix}...