3.在租户B的资源组里,把Tenant A的用户设置好RBAC权限,使其对Tenant B的某一个VNet具备peering权限 4.新开一个浏览器,把步骤2的连接打开,同时以租户A的身份,登录Azure Portal 5.登录完毕后,以租户A的身份可以在Azure Portal,同时浏览到2个租户信息(租户A和租户B) 6.我们以租户A的身份,设置两个VNet之前的Pe...
TenantReuse string EncryptionIdentity Specifies the Managed Identity used by ADE to get access token for keyvault operations. Expand table NameTypeDescription userAssignedIdentityResourceId string Specifies ARM Resource ID of one of the user identities associated with the VM. EventGridAndResourceGrap...
{ "virtualNetworkName": "SecureVNet", // Name of the Azure VNet "azureVNetAddressPrefix": "", // Address space assigned to the VNet "subnetName": "Tenant", // subnet name in which tenants exists "subnetPrefix": "", // address space of the tenant subnet "...
the subscriptions don't need to be associated with the same tenant. If you already have VNets that you want to connect and they're in the same subscription, you might want to use theAzure portalsteps instead because the process is less complicated. Note that you can't connect VNets from...
Peering Playwright Testing Service Policy PostgreSQL Power BI Embedded Power BI Workspace Collections Purview Quota Recovery Services Recovery Services - Backup Recovery Services - Site Recovery Red Hat OpenShift Redis Cache Relay Reserved VM Instances Resource Health Resource Management Resource Mover Search...
base configuration. module"enterprise_scale"{ source ="Azure/caf-enterprise-scale/azurerm"version =">= 1.0.0"providers = { azurerm = azurerm azurerm.connectivity = azurerm azurerm.management = azurerm } root_parent_id = data.azurerm_client_config.core.tenant_id root_id = v...
remoteIP_sthe IP address of the on-premises VPN device. In real world scenarios, it's useful to filter by the IP address of the relevant on-premises device shall there be more than one. Instance_sthe gateway role instance that triggered the event. It can be either GatewayTenantWorker_IN...
Direct peering(直接对等) 3.3.1. 配置直接网络 peering 4. 连接到 Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 连接到 Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 4.1. 访问详情 4.2. 公共部署 4.3. 私有部署 私有部署 4.3.1. Azure 托管的虚拟机 4.3.2. VPN
This parameter requires the -TenantID and -Secret to work. -AppId <ID> Secret Specifies the Secret that is used with the Application ID to connect to Azure as service principal. This parameter requires the -TenantID and -AppId to work. If -CertificatePath is also used the Secret value ...
VNet peering VNet peering enables you to seamlessly connect Azurevirtual networks. Once peered, the VNets appear as one, for connectivity purposes. The traffic between virtual machines in the peered virtual networks is routed through the Microsoft backbone infrastructure, much like traffic is routed ...