resourcetypes 否 No 否 validatesubscriptionmoveavailability 否 No 否 virtualmachines 是 是 否 Microsoft.ClassicInfrastructureMigrate 重要 请参阅经典部署移动指南。 可以使用特定于该方案的操作跨订阅移动经典部署资源。 展开表 资源类型资源组订阅区域移动 classicinfrastructureresources 否 No 否 Mi...
查看是否已移动/删除移动集合中的所有 VM 和其他源资源。 这可确保没有挂起的资源使用它们。 删除资源: 移动集合名称为 movecollection-<sourceregion>-<target-region>。 缓存存储账户名称为 resmovecache<guid> 保管库名称为 ResourceMove-<sourceregion>-<target-region>-GUID。相关...
AzureActiveDirectory *EventHub AzureKeyVault GuestAndHybridManagement 非運用環境でルールをテストすることをお勧めします。例をいくつか確認してください。 次の手順 Resource Mover を使用して、別のリージョンへのAzure VM の移動を試行する。
Note that, all supported resource types in resource groups within the selected source region are displayed. The resources that have already been added for moving across regions aren't shown. You move resources to a target region in the same subscription as the source region. If you want to ...
Move a non-production slot to a different App Service Plan and, thus, a separate pool of compute resources. Carry out resource-intensive (or risky) tasks while running in the separate App Service Plan. For example, load tests can be run against a non-production slot without negatively impact...
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to the Rescue ARM allows you to create resources as a group. This lets you easily create all your resources and handle transient faults, so if your script fails to create a resource, you can try again. Additionally, cleanup is easy. You simply delete your reso...
Announcing general availability support of the move functionality for recovery services vaults, which is an Azure Resource Manager resource to manage your backup and disaster recovery needs natively in the cloud. Migrate a vault between subscriptions and resource groups with a few steps, in minimal do...
Are the core applications I use on-premises certified and supported on Azure? As I move to Azure, can I retain the same level of application customization that I have built over the years on-premises? Will my users experience any impact in the performance of my applica...
Specify the name of the Azure resource group you want to use. If a resource group doesn’t already exist a new one with the name you specify will be created. In this example, ContosoResourceGroup1 is used. $location. Specify the location where the resource group is, or should be, ...
The only supported way to send email to external domains from Azure compute resources is through an SMTP relay (otherwise known as an SMTP smart host). The Azure compute resource sends the email message to the SMTP relay, and then the SMTP relay provider delivers the message to ...