要将现有资源移到另一个资源组或订阅,请使用Move resources操作。 HTTP POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{source-subscription-id}/resourcegroups/{source-resource-group-name}/moveResources?api-version={api-version} 在请求正文中指定要移动的目标资源组和资源。
POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{source-subscription-id}/resourcegroups/{source-resource-group-name}/moveResources?api-version={api-version} 在请求正文中指定要移动的目标资源组和资源。JSON 复制 { "resources": ["<resource-id-1>", "<resource-id-2>"], "targetResourceGroup": "...
需求:一个Azure Tenant包含了2个订阅,名为Subscription1和Subscription2,在Subscription1中,部署了名为Server1的Virtual Machine,运行的操作系统是Windows Server 2016+ Managed Disks。 现在由于某些原因,需要将VM1移到Subscription2来运行和管理,如何操作最能减少effort。 **解决方案分析:**将资源移动到同订阅下的不同...
move the subscription to.') param targetMgId string @description('Provide the ID of the existing subscription to move.') param subscriptionId string resource subToMG 'Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/subscriptions@2020-05-01' = { scope: tenant() name: '${targetMgId}/${subscriptionId}' }...
After you associate a subscription with a different directory, you might need to do the following tasks to resume operations:If you have any key vaults, you must change the Key Vault tenant ID. For more information, see Change a Key Vault tenant ID after a subscription move. If you used ...
【Azure 应用服务】Azure Function App 执行PowerShell指令[Get-Azsubscription -TenantId tenantID−DefaultProfilecxt]错误 问题描述 使用PowerShell脚本执行获取Azure订阅列表的指令(Get-Azsubscription -TenantId tenantID−DefaultProfilecxt)。在本地调试后,指令成功运行。 但是当指令并运行在Azure Function时,则...
Your subscription has expired. Your user account isn't enabled. You're locked out from your user account. You tried to sign in with the wrong user name and password. The password you tried to sign in with is temporary and expired. (It might happen if your user account is new or your...
使用PowerShell脚本执行获取Azure订阅列表的指令(Get-Azsubscription -TenantId cxt)。在本地调试后,指令成功运行。 No alt text provided for this image 但是当指令并运行在Azure Function时,则出现了异常: No alt text provided for this image 完成的错误信息为: "Error getting value from 'Tags' on 'Microso...
Your subscription has expired. Your user account isn't enabled. You're locked out from your user account. You tried to sign in with the wrong user name and password. The password you tried to sign in with is temporary and expired. (It might happen if your user account is new or your...
Microsoft Azure subscription that includes the following services. Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Server on Azure virtual machines. Azure Key Vault.Important To use the Data Export Service the Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) and Azure Key Vault services must operate under the same tenant and with...