I created the account and finally get my free account subscription enabled. Since then I am trying to learn creating azure function app but because of an internal bug i couldn't success yet. Then I got a notification that my subscription is disabled because of security reasons . So ...
My Azure subscription was just disabled because the card was cancelled due to a security problem. All bills are up to date. I have switched the billing method to a new card. I go to my subscription and see a message "This Subscription is disabled…
错误字符串 ECS_E_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SUBSCRIPTION_DISABLED 所需的补救措施 是请检查并确保存储帐户所在的订阅已启用。指定的网络名称不再可用。展开表 错误代码 HRESULT 0x80070040 HRESULT(十进制) -2147024832 错误字符串 ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED 所需的补救措施 是使用...
使用Azure 门户、Azure CLI 或 Azure PowerShell 检查区域中 VM 大小的可用性。 可能需要选择不同的 VM 大小或不同的区域。 ReadOnlyDisabledSubscription 错误 此错误表示订阅当前已禁用,并设置为只读。 查看和调整订阅权限,因为订阅可能因计费问题、信用额度过期或策略冲突而暂停。其他...
This VM has been stopped as a warning to non-paying subscription.. VMStoppedToWarnSubscription re-enable disabled azure subscription reactivate subscription remove or delete disabled subscription Resource Guid in Azure Portal Restrictions on what types of si...
Urn urn:csci:microsoft:serviceBus:changeSubscriptionState/1.0 故障类型 离散。 参数(键、值) desiredState 目标订阅的所需状态。 可能的状态为 Active 和 Disabled。 主题 父主题,其中包含要影响的一个或多个订阅。 subscriptions 目标命名空间内以逗号分隔的订阅名称列表。 使用“*”影响命名空间内的所有订阅。
If you do, you'll keep getting free monthly amounts of popular services. If you don't, your subscription and products will be disabled. Can I apply any of my $100 credit towards Azure Marketplace offers? No, you can't use your credit for Azure Marketplace offers. However, many ...
SQL VM Standby Pools Storage Actions Storage Mover Storage Resource Provider Storage Services Storagecache Stream Analytics Subscription Support Synapse Time Series Insights Terraform Traffic Manager Virtual Networks Virtual WAN Visual Studio Voice Services Windows Virtual Desktop Workloads Download PDF Learn...
If you do, you'll keep getting free monthly amounts of popular services. If you don't, your subscription and products will be disabled. Can I apply any of my USD 100 credit towards Azure Marketplace offers? No, you can't use your credit for Azure Marketplace offers. However, many ...