详细了解 Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client 命名空间中的 Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client.IPRange.SubnetPrefixLength。
IPRange 构造函数 属性 地址 名称 SubnetPrefixLength 作业 JobError JobErrorCategory JobErrorCategoryConverter JobErrorCode JobErrorCodeConverter JobErrorDetail JobInput JobInputAsset JobInputClip JobInputHttp JobInputs JobInputSequence JobOutput JobOutputAsset ...
If outbound firewalls are restricted on port 443, open the following IP address ranges: IP SubnetNetmaskIP Range – – – ...
<SP_AzureNetworkSubnetMask>指定子网掩码。 示例: <SP_OnPremisesNetworkIpRange>指定本地范围。 示例: <SP_OnPremisesNetworkSubnetMask>指定本地子网掩码。 示例: <SP_AzureGatewayIpAddress>此信息特定于虚拟网络,位于管理门户的“网关 IP 地址”中。
对于第一个子网,请为 Azure 网关子网确定 28 位的地址空间(带有 /28 前缀长度)。 有关如何确定此地址空间的信息,请参阅Calculating the gateway subnet address space for Azure virtual networks(计算 Azure 虚拟网络的网关子网地址空间)。 对于第二个子网,请指定友好名称(基于虚拟网络地址空间的单一 IP 地址空间...
Gets or sets the reference to the subnet resource to create a container network interface ip configuration. C# Көшіру [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="properties.subnet")] public Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Models.Subnet Subnet { get; set; } Property Value Subnet ...
通过配置IP-CIDR让指定范围的IP走特定proxy,记录规则备查 CIDR block IP range (network - broadcast) Subnet Mask IP Quantity - 255.255.
5.打通打通Spoke2_VNet到Hub_VNet的VNet Peering (1)Spoke2_VNet,启用"使用远程虚拟网络的网关" (2)Hub_VNet,启用"使用此虚拟网络的网关" 后续在网络安全组上打开ICMP协议,就可以通过虚拟机:Spoke1-VM01,ping通虚拟机Spoke2-VM01的内网IP地址了
NACL allow or deny traffic on the subnet level True True or False? Multiple Internet Gateways can be attached to one VPC False. Only one internet gateway can be attached to a single VPC. What is an Elastic IP address? True or False? Route Tables used to allow or deny traffic from ...
NACL allow or deny traffic on the subnet level True True or False? Multiple Internet Gateways can be attached to one VPC False. Only one internet gateway can be attached to a single VPC. What is an Elastic IP address? True or False? Route Tables used to allow or deny traffic from ...