Storage CapacityLRSGRSRA-GRSZRSGZRSRA-GZRS Storage in GB/month $0.045 per GB $0.09 per GB $0.1395 per GB $0.0562 per GB $0.1116 per GB $0.1395 per GB Operations and data transfer OperationsLRSGRSRA-GRSZRSGZRSRA-GZRS 10K Batch Write Operations $0.075 $0.15 $0.15 $0.075 $0.1673 $0.1673...
Continuous backup storageTotal GBPrice per GB Continuous backup data – 7-day retention GBs x N regions Free/month Continuous backup data – 30-day retention GBs x N regions $0.20/month Point-in-time restore GBs $0.15Analytical storage (Azure Synapse Link) transactions IO (input/output) ...
如果为帐户启用分层命名空间功能,请确保“文件结构”下拉列表设置为“分层命名空间(NFS v3.0,SFTP 协议)”。 如果你为帐户启用了分层命名空间并打算使用 Data Lake Storage 终结点,请参阅 Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 定价页。 这两页之间的事务价格不同,但存储成本几乎相同。
However, backup storage is always charged per database. Since three additional replicas are automatically allocated in the Business Critical service tier, the price is approximately 2.7 times higher than it is in the General Purpose service tier. Likewise, the higher storage price per GB in the ...
可以在存储帐户中为 blob 创建生命周期管理策略。 生命周期管理策略可以随着 blob 老化及使用频率降低,自动将它从热移到冷访问层,然后移动到存档访问层(策略基于自修改以来的天数)。 生命周期管理策略还可以进行安排,以删除过时的 blob。 下一单元: 了解 Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2...
{ "vCPUsAvailable": 1, "vCPUsPerCore": 1 } }, "storageProfile": { "imageReference": { "publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer", "offer": "WindowsServer", "sku": "2016-Datacenter", "version": "latest" }, "osDisk": { "osType": "Windows", "name": "myOsDisk", "createOption": ...
2 Includes an up to 2048-bytes long query string. 3 The number of nodes (or replicas) associated with a self-hosted gateway resource is unlimited in the Premium tier and capped at a single node in the Developer tier. 4 Up to a maximum of 60,000 connections per service instance.L...
and if the workload does not require the throughput and the amount of memory of the premium-series memory optimized hardware, the regular premium-series hardware will offer the 16 TB storage at significantly lower cost – and the lower difference in the price will impact on per-...
Azure Storage TierPrice per GB/month Hot $0.0184 Cool $0.0102 Archive $0.001 As you can see, Azure Archive Storage is significantly cheaper than the other storage tiers, making it an attractive option for storing rarely accessed data for long periods. However, it’s important to keep in mind...
Contact an Azure sales specialist for more information on pricing or to request a price quote. See frequently asked questions about Azure pricing. File Structure Redundancy: Region: Currency: Azure Blob Storage usage is calculated in binary Gigabytes (GB), where 1 GB = 230 bytes. This ...