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Microsoft Azure Storage は、高度にスケーラブルで耐久性があり、高可用性のデータ ストレージをクラウド上に提供し、モダン アプリのデータ ストレージ ソリューションとして機能します。 File Storage に接続して、Azure Storage アカウントでファイルの作成、更新、取得、削除などのさまざまな...
You can limit access to your storage account to requests that come from specified IP addresses, IP ranges, subnets in an Azure virtual network, or resource instances of some Azure services.Storage accounts have a public endpoint that's accessible through the internet. You can also create private...
have a dependency on Azure Storage. The region you choose for Azure Storage has implications for network security. Specifically, if you're setting up a firewall, you should place the resources inseparate regions. For more information, seeOutbound connections from Azure AI Search to Azure Storage...
To test that the API works and connects to storage, in the Ports tab in the bottom pane, select the globe icon in the Local Address area for port 7071. This opens a web browser to the functions app. Add the API route to the URL address bar: /api/sas?...
azure-blob-storage azure-storage-accounts azure-bastion azure-private-link azure-virtual-network azure-key-vault azure-monitor azure-log-analytics azure-virtual-machines Deploy an OpenAI, LangChain, ChromaDB, and Chainlit chat app in Azure Kubernetes Service using Terraform This sample shows how to...
New:Analyze performance indicators for Azure Blob Storage.Learn how to describe performance characteristics of Azure Blob Storage and the Azure Premium Blob Storage tier. \n \n \n .This collection of learning paths helps you prepare for Exam DP-500: Designing and Implementing...
Azure CLI, Azure portal, Azure Functions Core Tools, ARM/Bicep templates, and Azure Developer CLI (azd) CI/CD tools such as GitHub Actions and Azure pipeline tasks Built-in support for Azure Functions triggers and bindings Specific platform-managed scaling for HTTP, Azure...
0.4 $avSet=Get-AZAvailabilitySet -Name dcAvailabilitySet -ResourceGroupName $rgName $vm=New-AZVMConfig -VMName adVM -VMSize Standard_D1_v2 -AvailabilitySetId $avSet.Id $vm=Set-AZVMOSDisk -VM $vm -Name adVM-OS -DiskSizeInGB 128 -CreateOption FromImage -StorageAccountType "Standard_LRS"...
//raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/azurefile-csi-driver/master/deploy/install-driver.sh | bash -s $driver_version -- #Deploy premium Storage Class wget -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/maximo/$branchName/src/storageclasses/azurefiles-premium.yaml -O ./azurefiles-premium....