Azure Storage中的访问层(Access Tier)都针对特定的数据使用模式进行了优化,通过选择合适的访问层,可以以最具成本效益的方式存储Block Blob数据。 可用的访问层: Hot:用于频繁访问存储账户中的对象,在hot tier中,访问数据最具有成本效益,而存储数据的成本则较高。默认情况下,在hot tier中创建新的存储账户。 Cool:用...
Replication 选择:“Locally-redundant storage(LRS)” Blob access tier (default):“Hot” 我们详细看看刚才选择的 Account kind(账号类型)有: (1) StorageV2(genernal purpose v2):Blob、文件、队列和表的基本存储帐户类型。 (2) Storage (genernal purpose v1):Blob、文件、队列和表的旧帐户类型。 (3) Bl...
对于偏好命令行操作的开发者,可以通过 Azure CLI 或 PowerShell 来管理 Blob Storage。这种方式特别适合自动化脚本操作,例如定期将某些文件上传至 Blob Storage,或者定期检查存储容量等。 SDK 和 REST API Azure 提供了多个 SDK,支持多种编程语言(如 Python、Java、C# 等),让开发者可以轻松地在代码中集成 Blob Sto...
Storage account type parametersWhen you create a storage account using PowerShell, the Azure CLI, Bicep, Azure Templates, or the Azure Developer CLI, the storage account type is specified by the kind parameter (for example, StorageV2). The performance tier and redundancy configuration are ...
Azure Storage Account(Azure存储帐户) 是一种资源,充当一个容器,将所有来自Azure存储的数据服务(Azure Blob、Azure文件、Azure队列和Azure表)分组在一起。这有助于我们将它们作为一个组进行管理。我们在创建存储帐户或在创建后进行更改时指定的策略适用于帐户内的所有服务。删除存储帐户将删除部署的所有存储服务和其中...
Azure storage offers different access tiers so that you can store your blob data in the most cost-effective manner based on how it's being used. Azure Storage access tiers include:Hot tier - An online tier optimized for storing data that is accessed or modified frequently. The hot tier has...
Azure Archive Storage provides a low cost means of delivering durable, highly available, secure cloud storage and data management for rarely accessed data.
Storage Tiers: Azure Blob storage offers three performance tiers, each with different pricing structures and characteristics:a.Hot Tier: This tier is optimized for frequently accessed data that requires low latency and high throughput. It offers the lowest access costs but has higher storage costs co...
Azure Blob storage provides scalable, cost-efficient object storage in the cloud. Store and access unstructured data for your most demanding workloads.
Besides three Blob types, there are also Blob access tiers in Microsoft Azure. You may have already heard abouthot,cool, andcoldstorage tiers: The hot tieris for the frequently needed data. It’s expensive to store but cheap to access. ...