一,引言 Azure 存储账户功能经过官方改进迭代后,在创建的时候,存储账户的类型被分为两大类: 1)general-purpose v2 account(标准常规用途v2) Blob 存储,队列存储,表存储,Azure File存储 2)Premium 1,Blob 存储:包含 块存储 & 追加存储,用于事务率较高的方案 2,Azure File 存储:仅适用于文件共享的高级存储帐户...
下面我将向您展示如何使用Azure存储来托管一个简单的静态web页面。 配置Storage Account 首先,我们需要一个Storage Account。Storage Account需要是“General purpose V2”类型的。我们可以使用门户、PowerShell或CLI创建一个: 当我们创建好Storage Account以后需要在设置中找到静态网站: 单击静态网站标题下的Enable。然后添加...
azure portal 点击 “Create a Resource”,搜索框中输入 “Storage account” ,进行搜索,并且创建它 Resource group 选择创建新的:"Web_Test_AS_RG" Storage account name:“cnbateblogaccount” Location:"East Asia" Performance Kind 选择:“Standard” Account Kind:“StorageV2(general purpose v2)” Replication...
Delete a storage account Create a general purpose v1 storage account Next steps An Azure storage account contains all of your Azure Storage data objects: blobs, files, queues, and tables. The storage account provides a unique namespace for your Azure Storage data that is accessible from anyw...
一,创建Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Account 从Azure Portal中搜索Storage Accounts服务,创建Data Lake V2 Account 1,创建Data Lake V2的详细步骤 Step1:配置Basics选项卡 配置Storage Account使用的Subscription和Resource group; 选择Account Kind为:StorageV2(General purpose v2); ...
一,创建Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Account 从Azure Portal中搜索Storage Accounts服务,创建Data Lake V2 Account 1,创建Data Lake V2的详细步骤 Step1:配置Basics选项卡 配置Storage Account使用的Subscription和Resource group; 选择Account Kind为:StorageV2(General purpose v2); ...
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 はスタンドアロンの Azure サービスではなく、StorageV2 (General Purpose V2)Azure Storage の構成可能な機能です。 Azure ストレージ アカウントで Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 を有効にするには、Azure portal でストレージ アカウントを作成すると...
Type of storage accountSupported storage servicesRedundancy optionsUsage Standard general-purpose v2 Blob Storage (including Data Lake Storage1), Queue Storage, Table Storage, and Azure Files Locally redundant storage (LRS) / geo-redundant storage (GRS) / read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)...
Standard storage accounts ZRS is supported for all Azure Storage services through standard general-purpose v2 storage accounts, including: Azure Blob storage (hot and cool block blobs and append blobs, nondisk page blobs) Azure Files (all standard tiers: transaction optimized, hot, and cool) ...
Data Lake Storage capabilities are supported in the following types of storage accounts:Standard general-purpose v2 Premium block blobFor information about how to choose between them, see storage account overview.You can choose between these two types of accounts in the Basics tab of the Create a...