Azure Container Storage is a service built natively for containers that enables customers to create and manage volumes for running production scale stateful container applications
ContainerAppVolume.StorageType 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Azure.ResourceManager.Applications.Containers.Models 程序集: Azure.ResourceManager.Applications.Containers.dll 包: Azure.ResourceManager.Applications.Containers v1.0.0-beta.1 Source: ContainerAppVolume.cs 重要 一些信息与预发...
java.lang.Object final class AzureStorageContainer extends ProtectionContainerAzure Storage Account workload-specific container....
现在我们有了一个 Azure 存储帐户,接下来创建一个容器,用于存储非结构化 Blob 数据。 此格式非常适合以分布式方式存储和提供图像数据。 在 Azure 机器学习工作室中创建数据存储时,我们会在后续步骤中引用此数据。创建Azure 存储容器在Azure 门户中,导航到在上一单元中创建的 Azure 存储帐户。 ...
Create Container Get Container Properties Get Container Metadata Set Container Metadata Get Container ACL Set Container ACL Delete Container Lease Container Restore Container List Blobs Find Blobs by Tags in Container Operations on Blobs Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API Queue Service REST API Table Servi...
Utilize fast attach and detach for Azure Container Storage—Azure Container Storage is the industry’s first platform-managed container native storage service in the public cloud providing highly scalable, cost-effective persistent volumes, built natively for containers. You can use Elastic SAN as the...
The version 12.x.x client libraries for .NET are part of the Azure SDK for .NET. The source code for the Azure Storage client libraries for .NET is available onGitHub. Use the following version 12.x.x libraries to work with blobs, files, and queues: ...
If you archive logs to a storage account, you can manage the retention policy of a log container by defining a lifecycle management policy. To learn how, seeOptimize costs by automating Azure Blob Storage access tiers. If you send logs to Log Analytics, you can manage the data retention per...
./hadoop fs -put a.txt abfs:// 1. 但实质上,也时发送的REST API来操作ADLS资源。 所以参考PUT Blob的接口文档: ...
storage classes, persistent volumes, persistent volume claims service accounts, resource quotas, network policies, pod security policies container images running container images running counts descending pods (might be too much detail if you have high replica counts, so done last, comment if you're ...