Azure Storage Capacity View This view will provide you with a quick overview of the capacity used for each storage account. Although this will tell you how much storage is being consumed, you cannot drill down to see what is consuming the storage. To go any further you need to jump into ...
Create an Azure account to get started with scalable and cost-efficient services for creating, deploying, and managing applications.
The Azure Storage pricing page provides detailed pricing information based on account type, storage capacity, replication, and transactions. The Data Transfers pricing details provides detailed pricing information for data egress. You can use the Azure Storage pricing calculator to help estimat...
.\CapacityManagement\DashboardGenerator\Create-AzSStorageDashboard.ps1 -capacityOnly $true -volumeType object DashboardGenerator 的文件夹下会有一个名称以 DashboardVolumeObjStore 开头的 json 文件。 登录到 Azure Stack Hub 管理员门户 (https://adminportal.local.azurestack.external)。 在“仪表板”页中...
AzureStorageState AzureStorageType AzureTableStorageApplicationLogsConfig BackupItemCollection BackupItemStatus BackupRestoreOperationType BackupSchedule BasicAuthName BillingMeterCollection BlobStorageTokenStore BuildStatus BuiltInAuthenticationProvider CertificateCollection CertificateDetails CertificateOrderActionType Cert...
View Full Discussion (5 Replies)Show Parent Replies hspinto Microsoft to Yuukan Yuukan, bear in mind that despite having a 127 GB unmanaged disk attached to a VM, if that disk is consuming only 15 GB of space, Azure Storage metrics will only report 15 GB of used c...
Azure Data Lake Storage Azure Operator Insights Solutions Featured View all solutions (40+) Azure AI Migrate to innovate in the era of AI Build and modernize intelligent apps Data analytics for AI Azure AI Infrastructure Adaptive cloud Azure network security SAP on the Microsoft ...
Azure Storage insights offer a unified view of storage performance, capacity, and availability. See Monitor storage with Azure Monitor Storage insights. Resource types Azure uses the concept of resource types and IDs to identify everything in a subscription. Resource types are also part of the reso...
Director - The administration console for the Komprise Grid. It's used to configure the environment, monitor activities, view reports and graphs and set policies. Observers –Komprise data managers analyze storage systems, summarize reports, communicate with the Director, mana...
your application usually runs within a single App Service scale unit. Even when using Azure Traffic Manager to run in multiple regions, your application runs in two or more separate scale units. However, from the individual scale unit point of view, your app is constrained to a single scale ...