关于在Azure门户中访问Azure Storage,优先使用的方式是: 使用帐户访问密钥 若要使用帐户访问密钥访问 blob 数据,你必须已分配到一个 Azure 角色,此角色包含 Azure RBAC 操作Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action。
如果没有启用Storage Account的软删除功能,则没有办法直接查看近期有删除的Blob文件。如果在Storage Account中开启了“诊断日志”,在记录了对Blob的删除操作日志后。则可以通过$logs 容器查看到相应的删除日志: 如开启了 Storage Account软删除功能后(默认已启用),则可以在Stroage Account的Container Overview页面查看。如...
Create a storage accountA storage account is an Azure Resource Manager resource. Resource Manager is the deployment and management service for Azure. For more information, see Azure Resource Manager overview.Every Resource Manager resource, including an Azure storage account, must belong to an Azure ...
$logs 容器中的内容不被统计(不支持) 权限 若要使用 AAD 列出 Blob,执行脚本的Azure账号(或AAD 应用)需要拥有“Storage Blob Data Reader (存储 Blob 数据读取者)”角色。 否则,会遇见权限错误“The client '' with object id 'xx-x-x-x-xxx' does not have authorization ...
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azcopy copy '$logs/queue' 'C:\Logs\Storage' --include-path '2014/05/20/09;2014/05/20/10;2014/05/20/11' --recursive 若要详细了解如何下载特定文件,请参阅使用 AzCopy v10 从 Azure Blob 存储下载 blob。
Currently, we have Azure Diagnostic logs exported to a storage account. these logs include: AuditLogs SignInLogs NonInteractiveUserSignInLogs ServicePrincipalSignInLogs ManagedIdentitySignInLogs ProvisioningLogs ADFSSignInLogs RiskyUsers …
A storage account gives your applications access to Windows Azure Blob, Table, and Queue services located in a geographic region. You need a storage account to use Windows Azure storage.The storage account represents the highest level of the namespace for accessing the storage services. A storage...
The data retention policy you set also applies to these logs.Note Azure Files currently supports Storage Analytics metrics, but does not support Storage Analytics logging.Portal PowerShell .NET In the Azure portal, select Storage accounts, then the name of the storage account to open the ...