Azure Data Lake存储账户是不支持任何类型的故障转移的(手动点击和Azure自动操作都不可以)。 如果在创建ADLS时,使用的时RA-GRS作为冗余方式,则可以从备份的终结点读取数据。当区域性故障发生时,可以手动修改应用中读取ADLS的终结点! 参考资料 Disaster recovery and storage account failover:
Azure Data Lake存储账户是不支持任何类型的故障转移的(手动点击和Azure自动操作都不可以)。 如果在创建ADLS时,使用的时RA-GRS作为冗余方式,则可以从备份的终结点读取数据。当区域性故障发生时,可以手动修改应用中读取ADLS的终结点! 参考资料 Disaster recovery and storage account failover: https://learn.m...
Learn how to initiate an account failover in the event that the primary endpoint for your storage account becomes unavailable. The failover updates the secondary region to become the primary region for your storage account.
从存储帐户的主群集故障转移到 RA-GRS 帐户的辅助群集。 故障转移后,辅助群集将成为主群集。 C# 复制 public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task FailoverAsync (this Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage.Fluent.IStorageAccountsOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string accountName, Syst...
Today we are excited to share the preview for account failover for customers with geo-redundant storage (GRS) enabled storage accounts. Customers using GRS or RA-GRS accounts can take advantage of this functionality to control when to failover from the p
Today we are excited to share the preview for account failover for customers with geo-redundant storage (GRS) enabled storage accounts. Customers using GRS or RA-GRS accounts can take advantage of this functionality to control when to failover from the p
Nur verfügbar, wenn accountType Standard_GRS oder Standard_RAGRS ist. C# Kopie [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="properties.lastGeoFailoverTime")] public DateTime? LastGeoFailoverTime { get; } Eigenschaftswert Nullable<DateTime> Attribute Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribu...
仅当 SKU 名称Standard_GRS或Standard_RAGRS时才可用。 可能的值包括:“available”、“unavailable” StorageAccountSkuConversionStatus 获取或设置此属性为 readOnly,并在异步存储帐户 SKU 转换操作期间由服务器设置。 Tags 获取或设置资源标记。 (继承自 TrackedResource) Type 获取资源的类型。 例如“Microsoft...
지역 복제(GRS/GZRS/RA-GRS/RA-GZRS) 저장소 계정에 대한 마지막 동기화 시간 속성 확인 재해 복구 및 스토리지 계정 장애 조치(failover) 가격 책정 Blob Storage Azure 파일 Table Storage Queue Storage Azure 디...
This enables failover in case of a major failure in the primary location. The secondary location is hundreds of miles from the primary location. GRS is implemented through a feature called geo-replication, which is turned on for a storage account by default, but can be turned off if you ...