Azure 儲存體支援透過跨原始來源資源共用 (CORS) 進行跨網域存取。 CORS 使用 HTTP 標頭,讓某個網域上的 Web 應用程式可以存取位於不同網域的伺服器資源。 藉由使用 CORS,Web 應用程式可以確保僅從授權來源載入授權內容。CORS 支援是一項選擇性的旗標,您可以在儲存體帳戶中啟用它。 旗標可在您使用 HTTP GET ...
CORS 是一项 HTTP 功能,使在一个域中运行的 Web 应用程序能够访问另一个域中的资源。 可以为每个 Azure 存储服务单独设置 CORS 规则。 设置 CORS 规则后,将评估针对不同域中的服务发出的经过适当授权的请求,以确定根据指定的规则是否允许该请求。
Set-Azure 儲存體 CORSRule Cmdlet 會設定 Azure 儲存體 服務類型的跨原始來源資源分享 (CORS) 規則。 此 Cmdlet 的記憶體服務類型為 Blob、數據表、佇列和檔案。 此 Cmdlet 會覆寫現有的規則。 若要查看目前的規則,請使用 Get-Azure 儲存體 CORSRule Cmdlet。
The preflight request queries the CORS restrictions that have been established for the storage service by the account owner. The web browser (or other user agent) sends an OPTIONS request that includes the request headers, method and origin domain. The storage service evaluates the intended operati...
The preflight request queries the CORS restrictions that have been established for the storage service by the account owner. The web browser (or other user agent) sends an OPTIONS request that includes the request headers, method and origin domain. The storage service eval...
根据Azure的文档《Shared Access Signatures, Part 2: Create and use a SAS with Blob storage》(所述,获取SAS其实也非常简单。 首先实例化CloudStorageAccount、CloudBlobClient和CloudBlobContainer,如下: //Parse the connection string and return a reference to the storage account. ...
1. 通过NuGet安装“Windows Azure Storage”,安装时候会把其他几个包自动带上,我们仅需要这些就可以了。 2. 配置Storage Account的连接字符串。 在App.config中加一个新的appSettings,名为diaospublicblob,稍候代码里会读这个连接字符串。 代码语言:javascript ...
The preflight request queries the CORS restrictions that have been established for the storage service by the account owner. The web browser (or other user agent) sends an OPTIONS request that includes the request headers, method and origin domain. The storage service evaluates the intended operati...
Easily manage the contents of your storage account with Azure Storage Explorer. Upload, download, and manage blobs, files, queues, tables, and Cosmos DB entities. Gain easy access to manage your virtual machine disks. Work with either Azure Resource Mana
CORS You need to set upCross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)rules for your storage account if you need to develop for browsers. Go to Azure portal and Azure Storage Explorer, find your storage account, create new CORS rules for blob/queue/file/table service(s). ...