Azure Archive Storage provides a low cost means of delivering durable, highly available, secure cloud storage and data management for rarely accessed data.
否则,会遇见权限错误“The client '' with object id 'xx-x-x-x-xxx' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action' over scope '/subscriptions/xxxxx' or the scope is invalid.”, 参考文档( 用于Blob 的 Azure 内置角...
When you create a storage account using PowerShell, the Azure CLI, Bicep, Azure Templates, or the Azure Developer CLI, the storage account type is specified by the kind parameter (for example, StorageV2). The performance tier and redundancy configuration are specified together by the sku or ...
在使用Azure云存储服务之前,必须创建一个账户也就是storage account,这个账户名在azure云上必须是唯一的,因为账户名对应一个唯一命名空间(namespace),这样后面就可以通过链接访问存储在云上的数据或文件,象下面这样: https://<storage-account-name> 数据冗余(redundancy) 为了防止数据丢失和高可...
Hi, We want to back up historical files to Azure Storage. We rarely use this data, so it’s not an issue if restoration takes time. I think Azure Blob Archive tier might fit our requirements. Could it be confirmed whether the same data structure can be…
storage account that the service needs to access. The reason for this is that the bandwidth for the data transferred within the same location is free. In contrast, when transferring data in or out of the assigned location for the storage account, the bandwidth charges listed at the start of...
Azure Storage Account(存储账户)包含所有Azure Storage的数据对象,包括Blob、Data Lake Gen2,File、Queue、Disk和Table等服务,该Storage Account为用户的Azure Storage数据提供了唯一的命名空间,可以通过HTTP或HTTPS来访问它。Azure Storage Account中的数据是持久的、高度可用的、安全的和可扩展的。
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location DBELocal -SkuName Standard_LRS 注意 使用Azure Resource Manager,您只能建立本機儲存體帳戶,例如本地備援儲存體 (標準或進階)。 若要建立階層式儲存體帳戶,請參閱教學課程:使用 Azure Stack Edge Pro with GPU ...
Azure Blob storage provides scalable, cost-efficient object storage in the cloud. Store and access unstructured data for your most demanding workloads.
Get-AzureStorageAccount取得目前 Azure 訂閱的儲存體帳戶。 Set-AzureRmStorageAccount -AccessTier設定儲存體帳戶的存取層。 以下是變更儲存體帳戶存取層的範例命令: PowerShell Set-AzureRmStorageAccount-ResourceGroupName"TestGroup"-AccountName"StorageAccountName"-AccessTierCool ...