StorageAccount.AllowBlobPublicAccess 属性 Microsoft Learn Challenge Nov 23, 2024 – Jan 10, 2025 立即注册 消除警报 Learn 发现 产品文档 开发语言 主题 登录 Azure 产品 体系结构 开发 了解Azure 故障排除 资源 门户免费帐户 此主题的部分內容可能由机器或 AI 翻译。
az storage account create \ --name <account-name> \ --resource-group <resource-group> \ --location <location> \ --min-tls-version TLS1_2 \ --allow-blob-public-access false \ --dns-endpoint-type AzureDnsZone 创建帐户后,可以通过获取存储帐户的 primaryEndpoints 和secondaryEndpoints 属性来...
存储帐户。 通过设置 AllowBlobPublicAccess 属性,将存储帐户配置为允许公共访问。 设置为 true 时,只有在同时设置了容器的公共访问设置时,Blob 数据才可用于公共访问。 容器。 只有在允许对存储帐户进行匿名访问时,才能启用匿名访问。 容器有两种可能的公共访问设置:Blob 的公共读取访问,或容器及其 Blo...
Allow or disallow public access to all blobs or containers in the storage account. The default interpretation is true for this property. C# คัดลอก public bool? AllowBlobPublicAccess { get; set; } Property Value Nullable<Boolean> Applies to ผลิตภัณฑ...
经过对Storage Account的内置Policy (Configure your Storage account public access to be disallowed)对比,发现它使用的 field 为 Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/allowBlobPublicAccess ,只是它只能检测到Stroage Account层面,无法继续深入到Storage Account下的Container中。无法达到列出被设置为匿名的Container名称的目的...
We're trying to set up our GitHub project to use sccache with Azure Blob Storage to speed up our CMake builds in GitHub Actions running on pull_request and push events. We'd like for contributors sending pull requests from forks to be ab...
azureblob: fix "409 Public access is not permitted on this storage account" This error was caused by rclone supplying an empty `x-ms-blob-public-access:` header when creating a container for private access, rather than omitting it completely. This is a valid way of specifying containers shou...
You can apply storage account firewall and network rules to your static website. This will allow you to restrict access to your website based on IP address ranges or virtual networks. You can also use service endpoints or private endpoints to connect your website to other ...
Storage account nameThe name of your storage account will become part of a URL used to access your file share, and has certain character limitations. In your naming convention, consider that storage account names must be unique in the world, allow only lowercase letters and numbers, require ...
Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) is recommended to be enabled for all the Azure Storage Accounts. Azure Blobs for backup will also be encrypted in the Azure Storage account. Any data that is written to the storage after enabling the SSE will be encrypted. Linux IaaS VM: Azure Disk Enc...