Azure Virtual Machines An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines. 8,364 questions 0 answers Ubuntu VM stuck in boot loop. I increased the OS disk size in the portal and afterwards it would not come up and is stuck in a boot loop. The console shows th...
Here is a sample response to delete virtual machine scale set request.Copy x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-resource: Microsoft.Compute/DeleteVMScaleSet;107 x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-resource: Microsoft.Compute/DeleteVMScaleSet;587 x-ms-ratelimit-remaining-resource: Microsoft.Compute/VMScaleSetBatchedVM...
Navigate to the VM that's stuck in the failed state. Under Help, select Redeploy + reapply. Select the Reapply option.Next stepsIf you encounter issues when you create a new Windows VM in Azure, see Troubleshoot deployment issues with creating a new Windows virtual machine in Azure....
These error entries indicate that the Azure VM Agent is stuck in the "Stopping" process.Solution 4a: Start WaAppAgent.exe and stop WindowsAzureGuest.exeMake sure that WaAppAgent.exe is running on the VM. If it isn't running, restart the RdAgent service, and then wait five minutes. ...
Fixed an issue that node could be stuck in draining state due to a divide by zero error when removing the node Introduced support for single node tasks - To enable this feature, Set the scheduler feature flag and restart HpcScheduler service on all head nodes: Set-HpcClusterProperty -Schedu...
Hi All, A small number of customers, when using a lab plan, are experiencing issues with virtual machines getting stuck in starting state. We are actively working on resolving the issue. If you hit the issue, please proceed to open a support ticket for it. ...
When your team delivers the app through virtual machine (VMs), it is important to coordinate efforts. Born in the cloud to serve teams from all over the world, Azure and Azure Stack have some handy capabilities to help you coordinate VM operations across your team. In this blog, we look ...
If you get stuck, please review the Twilio documentation for SendGrid. With the first two steps completed, we can go ahead and set up the SMTP Relay at Twilio. Go to set up an API Key for the SMTP relay]( This will give you ...
I am attempting to clean up our Azure account and have a couple of old vaults that are not allowing me to delete them. I have tried a few things but am stuck with some of the responses I am getting from Powershell. First attempted to delete the vault in the Azure portal and got the...