读取API 的读取调用采用图像或 PDF 文档作为输入,以异步方式提取文本。https://{endpoint}/vision/v3.2/read/analyze[?language][&pages][&readingOrder]该调用返回时将包含一个名为 Operation-Location 的响应头字段。 Operation-Location 值是一个 URL,它包含要在下一步骤中使用的操作ID。展开表 ...
应使用 API 版本 2022-09-01 或更高版本为新的响应代码配置错误页(预览版)。 当前不支持响应代码 404(找不到页面)。 对于应用程序网关生成的响应代码,将显示自定义错误页。 如果错误源自后端服务器,则它会被不作修改地传递给客户端。配置级别可以在全局或侦听器级别定义自定义错误页:全局级别 - 在全局级别设置...
对文档翻译功能的所有 API 请求都需要有位于 Azure 门户资源概述页上的自定义域终结点。使用get documents status 方法请求翻译作业中所有文档的状态。 $top、$skip 和$maxpagesize 查询参数可用于指定要返回的结果数以及集合的偏移量。 $top 指示用户希望在所有页面中返回的记录总数。 $skip 指示要根据指定的...
Status Code: 200Description: OKExpand table Content-TypeTypeDescription application/json object ExamplesExampleReturn the embeddings for a given prompt.HTTP Copy POST https://{endpoint}/openai/deployments/{deployment-id}/embeddings?api-version=2024-10-21 { "input": [ "this is a test" ] } ...
Blob 服务 REST API - AbortCopyBlob - AcquireBlobLease - AcquireContainerLease - BreakBlobLease - BreakContainerLease - ChangeBlobLease - AppendBlock - ChangeContainerLease - ClearPage - CopyBlob,包括仅限内部的操作 CopyBlobSource 和CopyBlobDestination。 这些内部操作将仅存在于日志记录数据中。 - Crea...
根据APIM官方文档,创建Self-hosted 网关在AKS中(使用 YAML 将自承载网关部署到 Kubernetes :https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/api-management/how-to-deploy-self-hosted-gateway-kubernetes),但是访问AKS中Services的Endpoint,得到的确实 404页面。 {"statusCode": 404, ...
x-ms-blob-sequence-numberThe current sequence number for the page blob. x-ms-request-idUniquely identifies the request that was made, and it can be used to troubleshoot the request. For more information, seeTroubleshoot API operations. ...
Usually the deployment process takes some time as it must go through all object (files) and send them via REST API to be deployed. The more objects in ADF the longer process takes. In order to speed up the deployment process, you may want to use new switch IncrementalDeployment (new in...
Usually the deployment process takes some time as it must go through all object (files) and send them via REST API to be deployed. The more objects in ADF the longer process takes. In order to speed up the deployment process, you may want to use new switch IncrementalDeployment (new in...
api-version=2024-07-01 { "location": "westus", "properties": { "hardwareProfile": { "vmSize": "Standard_D2s_v3" }, "storageProfile": { "imageReference": { "sku": "16.04-LTS", "publisher": "Canonical", "version": "latest", "offer": "UbuntuServer" }, "osDisk": { "caching...