Go to your Static Web Apps resource in the Azure portal. Under the Settings menu, select Hosting plan. Select the hosting plan you want for your static web app. Select Save.Aiseolas Ag teacht go luath: Le linn 2024 beimid ag cur deireadh de réir a chéile le fadhbanna GitHub mar ...
Azure Storage static website hosting, providing a cost-effective, scalable solution for hosting modern web applications.
As of December 12, 2018, static websites on Azure Storage are generally available. For more information, please refer to the blog post, “Static websites on Azure Storage now generally available.” Today we are excited to announce the public preview ofstatic website hosting for Azure Storage!
Azure Static Web Apps umožňuje rychle a snadno vyvíjet moderní plnohodnotné webové aplikace pomocí statického front-endu a dynamického back-endu využívajícího bezserverová rozhraní API. Azure Static Web Apps nabízí výhodné ceny od aplikací v rámci hobby až po pr...
Learn how to serve static content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files) directly from a container in an Azure Storage GPv2 account.
I currently host a static web app on Azure Blob Storage which uses an SSL cert that I have on Azure Key Vault -- see picture below. My question is hosting second and third static web apps -- which will also have their own SSL certs coming from…
Azure Static Web Apps. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue in this repo. For community discussions, latest updates, kindly refer to the Discussions Tab. To know what's new in Static Web Apps, visit https://aka.ms/swa/ThisMonth - GitHub
Microsoft introduced Static website hosting is a feature from storage account enabled on the Static website. To enable static website hosting,...
After creating the GitHub project using the template, we'll deploy it to a new static web app. To integrate with Azure Container Apps, we'll need to create an Azure Static Web Apps resource using theStandard plan. You can use thethe Azure portal.It will take a couple o...