Your static web app is globally distributed, so the location isn't important to how you deploy your app. The command is configured to return the URL of your web app. You can copy the value from your terminal window to your browser to view your deployed web app. Configure for deployment ...
建置您的靜態 Web 應用程式,使用: Angular React Vue Web (無架構應用程式) 發佈您的網站 Gatsby Hugo VuePress Jekyll Next.js Nuxt.js Learning 課程模組 使用Azure Static Web Apps 發佈 Angular、React、Svelte 或 Vue JavaScript 應用程式 使用Gatsby 發佈靜態 Web 應用程式 使用Blazor 發佈靜態 Web 應用程...
The Azure Static Web Apps CLI (SWA CLI) features the deploy command to deploy the current project to Azure Static Web Apps.Common deployment scenarios include:A front-end app without an API A front-end app with an API Blazor appsDeployment token...
npm run builddisplayName:'dependencies install and distribution build'- task:AzureStaticWebApp@0inputs:app_location:'/dist'output_location:''# Leave this emptyskip_app_build:trueskip_api_build:trueazure_static_web_apps_api_token:$(deployment_token) Requirements...
Recently, Azure Static Web Apps added the ability togenerate an Azure DevOps pipelineto deploy your app. You can create a static web app and the deployment pipeline in a single step. In the Azure portal, search for and create a new static web app. ...
选择“Azure Static Web Apps: 创建静态 Web 应用...”。 选择Azure 订阅。 输入my-first-static-web-app 作为应用程序名称。 选择离你最近的区域。 输入与框架选项匹配的设置值。 无框架 Angular Blazor React Vue 设置“值” 框架选择“自定义”
Apart from app deployment, Azure Static Web Apps has a wide set of features that make it effective in a NoOps workflow: SSL certificate management: Azure Static Web Apps automatically provisions and manages SSL certificates for you. You can also integrate your own if needed. ...
Create an Azure Static Web App using the 'Other' option for deployment source. For more information, seeQuickstart: Building your first static site in the Azure portalin the Azure documentation. Create a secret calledAZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKENwith the value of your static...
创建Static Web App 在Azure Portal 中点开Static Web Apps,然后点击Create 指定一个网站名称,选择Free免费套餐薅羊毛,Deployment source 选择GitHub。然后点击 "Sign in with GitHub" 完成登录授权。 随后选择你存放网站的仓库以及分支名称 确认信息都正确后点击 “Create” 创建 SWA ...
对部署源使用“Other(其他)”选项创建 Azure Static Web App。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Azure 文档中的“快速入门:在 Azure 门户中构建第一个静态站点”。 使用静态 Web 应用部署令牌的值创建名为 AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN 的机密。 有关如何查找部署令牌的详细信息,请参阅 Azure 文档...