在Azure SQL Database 中,若要壓縮檔案,您可以使用 DBCC SHRINKDATABASE 或DBCC SHRINKFILE 命令: DBCC SHRINKDATABASE 使用單一命令壓縮資料庫所有的資料和記錄檔。 此命令會一次壓縮一個資料檔案,所以較大的資料庫可能需要較長的時間。 此命令也可壓縮記錄檔,但這通常不是必要措施,因為 Azure SQL Database 會視...
SQL -- Shrink database data space allocated.DBCC SHRINKDATABASE (N'database_name'); 在Azure SQL 資料庫中,資料庫可能會有一或多個資料檔案,隨著資料成長自動建立。 若要判斷資料庫的檔案配置,包括每個檔案已使用和配置的大小,請使用下列範例指令碼來查詢sys.database_files目錄檢視: ...
Shrink-SqlDatabase -ServerName 'localhost' -DatabaseName 'WideWorldImporters' -Username 'userid' -Password 'password' >> c:\temp\shrink.log .NOTES General notes #> function Shrink-SqlDatabase{ param ( [string]$ServerName, [string]$DatabaseName, [string]$Username, [string]$Password, [...
Azure SQL Database 是以針對雲端環境調整的 SQL Server 資料庫引擎架構為基礎,可確保高可用性 (即使在基礎結構失敗的情況下)。 Azure SQL 資料庫的虛擬核心購買模型中有三個服務層級選項:一般用途 業務關鍵 超大規模資料庫超大規模資料庫服務層級適用於所有工作負載類型。 其雲端原生架構提供可獨立調整的計算和儲存體...
If you are using Hyperscale in Azure SQL Database, you know that it is a powerful tier that lets you rapidly scale up and scale out your database according to your needs along with autoscaling storag... UpdatedJul 04, 2024 Version 1.0 ...
sql_process_cpu_percent sql_server_instance_name 数据库属性 说明:包括数据库选项及其他数据库元数据。 数据集名称:SqlServerDatabaseProperties 收集频率:每 5 分钟一次 收集的字段: collation_name collection_time_utc compatibility_level containment_desc count_suspect_pages create_date database_id database_na...
Azure SQL Database logical serverCREATELOGINtipsWITHPASSWORD='strong-password-here';ALTERSERVERROLE[##MS_ServerStateReader##]ADDMEMBER tips;ALTERSERVERROLE[##MS_DefinitionReader##]ADDMEMBER tips;--In the user database where tips are to be produced, on the same logical serverCREATEUSER tips FORLOGIN...
Database performance Transactions per minute (TPM) | TPROC-C workload | Higher is better Azure SQL Managed Instance Instance name: 80vCore Business Critical Premium-series hardware 826,687 TPM Amazon RDS for SQL Server Instance name: db.m6i.32xlarge 334,228 TPM Figure 1: OLTP database ...
Overview: Migrate data to Azure SQL Data WarehouseAzure SQL Data Warehouse is an enterprise-class, distributed database, capable of processing massive volumes of relational and non-relational data. It can deploy, grow, shrink, and pause in seconds. As an Azure service, Azure SQL Data Warehouse...
Using shrink is easy and straightforward. You use the same set of commands which you might have used in other tiers of Azure SQL Database or in SQL Server. First, identify a Hyperscale database with substantial allocated but unused storage space. For definitions of allocated and u...