AGWFirewallLogs AzureDiagnostics TLS/TCP 代理日志 应用程序网关的第 4 层代理通过访问日志提供日志数据。 仅当在网关的诊断设置中配置了这些日志时,才会生成并发布这些日志。 另请参阅:受支持的 Azure Monitor 资源日志类别。 备注 目前,只能通过AzureDiagnostics 表获取包含 TLS 侦听器的相互身份验证详细信息的列。
WindowsFirewall WindowsServerAssessmentRecommendation WireData WorkloadDiagnosticLogs WorkloadMonitoringPerf 相依性 requests 下載PDF Learn 閱讀英文版本 TwitterLinkedInFacebook電子郵件 文章 28/08/2023 7 位參與者 意見反映 在此文章 類別 方案 資源類型
AGWAccessLogs AGWFirewallLogs AGWPerformanceLogs AHDSDicomAuditLogs AHDSDicomDiagnosticLogs AHDSMedTechDiagnosticLogs AirflowDagProcessingLogs AKSAudit AKSAuditAdmin AKSControlPlane ALBHealthEvent 警示 部分支援。 不支援 Zabbix 警示的資料擷取。 AlertEvidence AlertInfo AmlComputeClusterEvent ...
You can use Azure Firewall logs and metrics to monitor your traffic and operations within the firewall. These logs and metrics serve several essential purposes, including:Traffic Analysis: Use logs to examine and analyze the traffic passing through the firewall. This includes examining permitted ...
Virtual network firewall rules Virtual network service endpointsextend your virtual network connectivity over the Azure backbone and enable Azure SQL Database to identify the virtual network subnet that traffic originates from. To allow traffic to reach Azure SQL Database, use the SQLservice tagsto ...
Once the Azure Firewall receives the flow, it logs the action to a configured log analytics workspace. The log below shows the source IP and port used by the client machine when it traverses the internet,, the destination IP and port,, and the translated...
Auxiliary Logs in Microsoft Sentinel are high volume, low fidelity logs (Example: Network logs, Firewall logs) crucial for security investigations, hunting, or additional attack context. Auxiliary Logs is in preview, and billing is not yet enabled. We will notify users before billing starts and ...
Firewall Fleet Front Door Service Graph Services Guest Configuration HDInsight HDInsight Kafka REST Proxy HDInsight On Aks HDInsight Spark Healthcare Apis Health Data Help Hybrid Compute Hybrid Container Service Hybrid Kubernetes Hybrid Network Image Builder Impact Intelligent Recommendations Internet Analyzer...
Issue: After enabling the Storage Account firewall, Azure SQL Database audit logs are not being written. Mitigation steps: If your storage account meets
Explorer.Re-create the credentialusing this new SAS token generated from Azure Storage and try backing up again. For more information, seeknown issues with BACKUP TO URL. Make sure your network security group (NSG) and/or firewall allows inbound and outbound connection on ports 1433 and 443....