maxConcurrentConnections 活动运行期间与数据存储建立的并发连接的上限。 仅在要限制并发连接时指定一个值。 否 WriteBehavior 指定复制活动的写入行为,以将数据加载到 SQL Server 数据库。 允许的值为 Insert 和 Upsert。 默认情况下,服务使用 insert 来加载数据。 否 upsertSettings 指定写入行为的设置组。 当Wri...
maxConcurrentConnections 活动运行期间与数据存储建立的并发连接的上限。 仅在要限制并发连接时指定一个值。 无 WriteBehavior 指定复制活动的写入行为,以将数据加载到 SQL Server 数据库。 允许的值为 Insert 和 Upsert。 默认情况下,服务使用 insert 来加载数据。 否 upsertSettings 指定写入行为的设置组。 当Wri...
using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Azure.Core; using Azure.Identity; using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient; class Program { static void Main() { OpenSqlConnection(); Console.ReadLine(); } const string defaultScopeSuffix = "/.default"; // ...
This state is used when SQL Server enables snapshot isolation by using the ALTER DATABASE statement. ERROR_REPORTING_MANAGER Occurs during synchronization of multiple concurrent error log initializations. EXCHANGE Occurs during synchronization in the query processor exchange iterator during parallel queries....
*Service tier is based upon the number of concurrent job targets. Active geo-replication Active geo-replication is a feature in SQL Database that lets you create a continuously synchronised readable geo-secondary database for a primary database. Both primary and geo-secondary are required to have...
See pricing details for Azure SQL Database single database—fully isolated databases optimized for workloads when performance demands are somewhat predictable.
public override void OnStop() { // close service. this._productStockHost.Close(); Trace.WriteLine("Service Bus Application already closed.", "Information"); base.OnStop(); } public override bool OnStart() { // Set the maximum number of concurrent connections ServicePointManager.Default...
optionally, set the maximum network bandwidth for each replication task using the bandwidth option. please take into account the number of concurrent executions, keeping in mind that the default value is 10 for each job-service pod. the bandwidth unit is kilobytes per second (-1...
This not only improves a single user experience. This improves overall TCO for customers by enabling a much higher number of concurrent users at the same Azure Databricks SQL compute capacity. Wrap up In conclusion, optimizing the performance of your Power BI dash...