SQL 複製 ALTER DATABASE current SET AUTOMATIC_TUNING = AUTO | INHERIT | CUSTOM 將自動調整設定為 AUTO 會套用 Azure 預設值。 將它設定為 INHERIT時,會繼承自父伺服器的自動調整組態。 如果您選擇 CUSTOM,則必須手動設定自動調整。 若要透過 T-SQL 設定個別的自動調整選項,請連線到資料庫並執行下列查詢:...
Sql 程序集: Azure.ResourceManager.Sql.dll 包: Azure.ResourceManager.Sql v1.2.1 Source: SqlServerResource.cs 获取表示 SqlServerAutomaticTuningResource 的对象,以及可在 SqlServer 中对其进行执行的实例操作。 C# 复制 public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.Sql.SqlServerAutomaticTuningResourc...
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Fluent Assembly: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Fluent.dll Package: Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Fluent v1.38.1 Gets the server automatic tuning desired state. C# publicMicrosoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Fluent.Models.AutomaticTuningServerMode DesiredState {get; } ...
對於Azure SQL 資料庫,自動調整所做的變更歷程記錄會保留 21 天。 您可以在資料庫的 [效能建議] 頁面上 Azure 入口網站檢視,或使用 PowerShell 搭配Get-AzSqlDatabaseRecommendedActionCmdlet。 針對較長的保留期,歷程記錄資料也可以藉由啟用 [AutomaticTuning]診斷設定,串流至數種類型的目的地。
This event captures automatic tuning configuration changes. The captured actions include the client application name, client hostname, compile plan GUID, database name, plan handle, query hash, query plan hash, session ID, SQL text, and username. ...
You can choose to have the recommendations be automatically applied (via Automatic Tuning option) Recommendations applied or rolled back manually (via Azure Portal or REST API) What’s new in this release? The following table summarizes the improvements in this release: ...
The availability group replicas can have synchronous commit with automatic failover on SQL-1 and SQL-2. To build this architecture, see the availability group template or tutorial.This architecture is vulnerable to downtime if the Azure region becomes inaccessible. To overcome this vulnerability, ...
ALTERDATABASECURRENTSETAUTOMATIC_TUNING (FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN=ON); This tip may only appear on the primary replica. Automatic tuning Automatic tuning in Azure SQL Database Enable automatic tuning in the Azure portal tip_id: 1120 Used data size within the database is close to maximum configured...
On the SQL Database page, name and configure a new Azure SQL Database and select OK.If you choose Use existing database, select the database from the Sync Metadata Database dropdown list. Automatic Sync Select On or Off.If you choose On, enter a number and select Seconds, Minutes, ...
The longer a database runs with automatic tuning enabled, the more it might benefit.Azure SQL automatic tuning shares its core logic with the SQL Server automatic tuning feature in the database engine. For additional technical information on the built-in intelligence mechanism, see SQL Server ...