Azure CLI 复制 az role definition list --name "Virtual Machine Contributor" --output json | jq '.[] | .permissions[0].actions' 以下列表显示了“虚拟机参与者”内置角色的权限:JSON 复制 [ "Microsoft.Authorization/*/read", "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/*", "Microsoft.Compute/locations/...
可以使用SHOW GRANTS语句验证权限,再次将占位符值替换为你的值: SQL复制 USEtestdb;SHOWGRANTSFOR'db_user'@'%'; 若要定义用户可以使用数据库执行的操作,请使用GRANT语句,将占位符值替换为你的值: SQL复制 CREATEUSER'new_master_user'@'%'IDENTIFIEDBY'StrongPassword!';GRANTSELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE...
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/listMigrations/read列出用户的迁移。 Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/MonitoringData/read检索监视数据。 分配角色 向用户或应用 ID 分配角色: 在Azure 门户中,转到资源。 在左侧菜单中,选择“访问控制 (IAM)”,然后滚动查找创建的自定义角色。
In Azure SQL Database, the server is a logical concept and permissions can't be granted at the server level. To simplify permission management, Azure SQL Database provides a set of fixed server-level roles to help you manage the permissions on alogical server. Roles are security principals ...
The following list explains what is happening at each point on the diagram: Your Azure application captures performance monitoring data. You typically configure these counters either in the OnStart method of your Azure roles, or through Azure configuration. This data is captured in memory. Your Azu...
Get-DiagnosticAwareRoleInstances Returns a list of IDs of active role instances that have a diagnostic monitor running. Get-DiagnosticAwareRoles Lists the set of roles that have successfully started at least one diagnostic monitor. Get-DiagnosticConfiguration Gets the buffer configuration for the specifi...
As an alternative to using one of these built-in roles, you canassign a custom role. Create a target instance ofAzure SQL Database. Make sure that the SQL Server login that connects to the source SQL Server instance is a member of thedb_datareaderrole and ...
deploy SQL Database, SQL Managed Instance, or Azure Synapse may not have access to these highly privileged roles. This can often cause complications for users that create unplanned Azure SQL resources, or need help from highly privileged role members that are often ...
This code grants permissions equivalent to a union ofVIEW SERVER STATEandVIEW DEFINITION, which is required to query system metadata views used in the script. The##MS_ServerStateReader##and##MS_DefinitionReader##server roles do not grant any additional permissions, specifically no permissions to modif...
Learn about how to use Microsoft Entra ID for authentication with Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and Synapse SQL in Azure Synapse Analytics