The DNS entry for the FQDN private route expression does not exist outside of Azure. You should only have to add Microsoft.SQL NSG to the VPN Gateway VNET, and add a route table to direct traffic to the private IP address for y...
privateEndpointConnectionName String 专用终结点连接的名称。 cancellationToken CancellationToken 要使用的取消标记。 返回 Task<Response<SqlPrivateEndpointConnectionResource>> 例外 ArgumentException privateEndpointConnectionName 是一个空字符串,预期为非空。 ArgumentNullException p...
Note As of early August 2023, support for private endpoints for Azure SQL Managed Instance is generally available (GA). Read the GA announcement at Private endpoints GA for Azure SQL Managed Inst... blade. HitCreateand fill in:\n \n Basicswith the name of your private endpoint and its re...
使用Azure SQL 部署操作连接到 SQL 实例。 在存储库的根级别应该有一个 dacpac 包 (Database.dacpac)。 使用之前创建的AZURE_SQL_CONNECTION_STRINGGitHub 机密。 YAML - uses:azure/sql-action@v2with:connection-string:${{ secrets.AZURE_SQL_CONNECTION_STRING}}path:'./Database.dacpac'action:'Publish...
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Models.PrivateEndpointConnection> BeginCreateOrUpdateAsync (this Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.IPrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string privateEndpoint...
CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) Generate the resource identifier of a PostgreSqlPrivateEndpointConnectionResource instance. Delete(WaitUntil, CancellationToken) Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name. Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroup...
import java.sql.Date; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Hello world! * */ public class App {static String connectionString = "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";static...
Connection String When you connect to SQL Database, you're connecting to a database object in the cloud. Just like onsite databases, the hosted database might have multiple schemas that have multiple tables, views, and stored procedures. You specify the database object to use in the query ... - creates a Jenkins SSH key credential from a string or an SSH private key file - creates a Jenkins username/password credential - deletes a given Jenkins credential by id - lists Jenkin...
name string 應用程式閘道上的私人端點連線名稱。 properties.linkIdentifier string 取用者鏈接識別碼。 properties.privateEndpoint PrivateEndpoint 私人端點的資源。 properties.privateLinkServiceConnectionState PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState 服務取用者與提供者之間連線狀態的相關信息集合。 properties...