Invent with purpose, realize cost savings, and make your organization more efficient with Microsoft Azure’s open and flexible cloud computing platform.
本文概述 Azure SQL 数据库,它是一个完全托管的平台即服务 (PaaS) 数据库引擎,可在无需用户参与的情况下处理大多数数据库管理功能,如升级、修补、备份和监视。 备注 免费试用 Azure SQL 数据库,每月获取 100,000 vCore 秒的无服务器计算和 32 GB 的存储空间。
如需 Microsoft Entra ID (先前稱為 Azure Active Directory) 的 Tedious 設定選項詳細資料,請參閱Tedious 說明文件。 執行程式碼 在命令提示字元中,執行程式。 Bash複製 node sqltest.js 請確認前 20 個資料列已傳回,然後關閉應用程式視窗。 後續步驟 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? YesNo 提供產品意見反應...
本部分中的步骤用于创建 Node.js REST API。为项目创建一个新目录并导航到其中。 通过在终端中运行以下命令来初始化项目: Bash 复制 npm init -y 安装本文示例代码中使用的所需包: Bash 复制 npm install mssql express swagger-ui-express yamljs dotenv 在Visual Studio Code 中打开项目。 Bash 复制...
使用Azure Functions 应用(无服务器计算服务)在 .NET、Node.js、Python、Java 或 PowerShell 中创建事件驱动的可缩放无服务器应用程序。
SQL Azure Each App Service scale unit uses Azure SQL Database to persist application metadata. Each application that’s assigned to a given unit of scale has a representation in a SQL Database. The SQL Database is also used to hold runtime information about applications. ...
预配Azure SQL 数据库后,需要执行以下步骤,确定连接信息及添加用于防火墙访问的客户端 IP。 在Azure 门户中,使用“显示数据库连接字符串”(包含在数据库的“概述”部分中)转到 Azure SQL 数据库 ODBC 连接字符串: 复制ODBC (包括 Node.js) [SQL 身份验证] 字符串的内容。 稍后,我们使用此字符串从 C++ ODBC ...
The second is that security wasn’t paramount at the moment because performing a SQL attack on an Azure DocumentDB isn’t that much of an issue due to the way queries work in the database. Even the documentation says that DocumentDB isn’t really susceptible to the most common types of ...
Redgate Monitor is built to monitor SQL Server instances and databases, but it also has direct support for Azure SQL Databases. This means that traditional monitoring that you need within Azure SQL Database such as blocking, deadlocks, and query behaviors are included. However, Redgate Monitor ...
Graph extensions are fully integrated in the SQL Server engine. Node and edge tables are just new types of tables in the database. The same storage engine, metadata, query processor, etc., is used to store and query graph data. All security and compliance features are also supported. Other...