公共终结点主机名的格式为 <mi_name>.public.dns_zone<.database.windows.net,用于连接的端口为 3342。 下面的示例表明了连接字符串的服务器值,该连接字符串可在 SQL Server Management Studio 或 Azure Data Studio 连接中使用并且表示公共终结点端口:<mi_name>.public.<dns_zone>.database.windows.net,3342 ...
Azure SQL Managed Instance provides a VNet-local endpoint to allow connectivity from inside its virtual network. The default option is to provide maximum isolation. However, there are scenarios where you need to provide a public endpoint connection: The managed instance must integrate with multi-te...
If you need to make your Azure SQL Managed Instance available to different Azure tenants, private endpoints can also help you with that. You just need to share your managed instance's resource ID and the other party can issue a request to deploy a private endpoint to it. Or, even...
Modernize SQL Server apps with Azure SQL Managed Instance, an Azure SQL database service that provides an always-up-to-date SQL managed instance in the cloud.
Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/endpointCertificates/read Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/hybridLink/read、/write、/delete Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/serverTrustCertificates/write、/delete、/read 詞彙和命名慣例 當您執行本使用者指南中的指令碼時,請務必不要將 SQL Server 和 SQL...
Modify this rule to make a managed instance accessible through a public endpoint. For more information on public endpoint security, see Using Azure SQL Managed Instance securely with a public endpoint. Select Review + create to review your choices before you create a managed instance. Or, ...
Découvrez SQL Managed Instance, crééà partir du moteur SQL Server. Obtenez des applications toujours à jour avec les fonctionnalités SQL les plus récentes.
本文概述了托管实例链接,它支持在 SQL Server 和 Azure SQL 托管实例之间进行准实时数据复制。 该链接提供混合灵活性和数据库移动性,因为它解锁许多方案,例如缩放只读工作负载、将分析和报告卸载到 Azure 以及迁移到 Azure。 借助 SQL Server 2022,该链接支持联机灾难恢复、故障回复到 SQL Server,以及配置从 SQL 托管...
Azure SQL 托管实例是一种可缩放的云数据库服务,它始终运行在最新稳定版本的 Microsoft SQL Server 数据库引擎上,是具有 99.99% 内置高可用性的修补OS,并提供与 SQL Server 的接近 100% 的功能兼容性。 借助内置于 Azure SQL 托管实例中的 PaaS 功能,你能够专注于对业务至关重要的特定于域的数据库管理和优化...
Note As of early August 2023, support for private endpoints for Azure SQL Managed Instance is generally available (GA). Read the GA announcement at Private endpoints GA for Azure SQL Managed Inst...Show More Updated Aug 10, 2023Version 6.0 Comment ZoranRilak Microsoft Joined June 07, 2021 Sen...