Some SQL Managed Instance feature availability depends on the configuredupdate policy. Key differences between SQL Server on-premises and SQL Managed Instance SQL Managed Instance benefits from being always-up-to-date in the cloud, which means that some features in SQL Server might be obsolete, ret...
Azure SQL Managed Instance is a scalable cloud database service that's always running on the latest stable version of theMicrosoft SQL Server database engineand a patched OS with99.99% built-in high availability, offering close to 100% feature compatibility with SQL Server. PaaS capabilities built...
The Managed Instance link is supported on both the General Purpose and Business Critical service tier of Azure SQL Managed Instance. The link feature works with the Enterprise, Developer, and Standard editions of SQL Server. The following table lists the functionality of the link feature and the ...
Link feature for Managed Instance is a new feature providing a hybrid connection between SQL Server 2016 (Enterprise, Developer and Standard editions) hosted anywhere and the fully managed PaaS service Azure SQL Managed Instance, providing unprecedented hybrid flexibility and database...
SQL複製 SELECT*FROMsys.configurationsWHERE[value] <> [value_in_use]; 如果值是您所做組態選項的變更,但value_in_use不同,則RECONFIGURE命令未執行或失敗,或是資料庫引擎必須重新啟動。 有兩個組態選項,其中value和value_in_use可能不相同,這是預期的行為: ...
Modernize SQL Server apps with Azure SQL Managed Instance, an Azure SQL database service that provides an always-up-to-date SQL managed instance in the cloud.
Découvrez SQL Managed Instance, crééà partir du moteur SQL Server. Obtenez des applications toujours à jour avec les fonctionnalités SQL les plus récentes.
SQL複製 SELECT*FROMsys.configurationsWHERE[value] <> [value_in_use]; 如果值是您所做組態選項的變更,但value_in_use不同,則RECONFIGURE命令未執行或失敗,或是資料庫引擎必須重新啟動。 有兩個組態選項,其中value和value_in_use可能不相同,這是預期的行為: ...
Azure SQL 托管实例是一种可缩放的云数据库服务,它始终运行在最新稳定版本的 Microsoft SQL Server 数据库引擎上,是具有 99.99% 内置高可用性的修补OS,并提供与 SQL Server 的接近 100% 的功能兼容性。 借助内置于 Azure SQL 托管实例中的 PaaS 功能,你能够专注于对业务至关重要的特定于域的数据库管理和优化...
SQL复制 SELECT*FROMsys.configurationsWHERE[value] <> [value_in_use]; 如果该值是对配置选项所做的更改,但value_in_use不相同,则说明RECONFIGURE命令未运行或失败,或者必须重启数据库引擎。 有两个配置选项,其中value和value_in_use可能不相同,以下为预期行为: ...