az postgres flexible-server parameter set --resource-group <resource_group> --server-name <server> --subscription <subscription_id> --name shared_preload_libraries --value <extension_name>,<extension_name> 在建立延伸模組的允許清單並載入後,接著必須在您計劃使用這些延伸模組的每個資料庫進行安裝。
磁碟上的資料會加密,包括備份以及查詢執行時所建立的暫存檔案。 該服務使用包含在 Azure 儲存體加密中的 AES 256 位元加密,且金鑰是由系統進行管理。 這與其他待用加密技術類似,例如 SQL Server 或 Oracle 資料庫中的透明資料加密。 儲存體加密會一律啟用,且無法停用。
APPLIES TO: Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Using the Azure portal, you can migrate an instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Single Server to Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server. In this tutorial, we perform migration of a sample database from an Azure Data...
適用於 MySQL 的 Azure 資料庫彈性伺服器現已改進開發人員體驗,可讓客戶使用 Azure CLI 搭配 "az mysql flexible-server connect" 和 "az mysql flexible-server execute" 命令,來與其伺服器連線和執行查詢。 深入了解。 修正在具有私人存取的虛擬網路中建立的伺服器佈建失敗 在虛擬網路中建立伺服器時所導致...
SQL Server migration Windows Server on Azure Linux on Azure SAP on the Microsoft Cloud Oracle on Azure Hybrid Cloud and infrastructure Hybrid and multicloud solutions Backup and disaster recovery Windows Server on Azure High-performance computing (HPC) Business-critical applications Quan...
For more information, see Accessing binary logs from Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server.\n Redo logs - Log files that encode requests from SQL statements or low-level API calls to change table data. The server parameter responsible size of this file is...
The SQL Server Connector for Microsoft Azure Key Vault enables SQL Server encryption to use the Microsoft Azure Key Vault as an extensible key management (EKM) provider to protect its encryption keys.
The SQL Server Connector for Microsoft Azure Key Vault enables SQL Server encryption to use the Microsoft Azure Key Vault as an extensible key management (EKM) provider to protect its encryption keys.
Programmatically manage and interact with Azure services. The Azure SDKs are collections of libraries built to make it easier to use Azure services from your language of choice. These libraries are designed to be consistent, approachable, diagnosable, dependable and idiomatic. See thelatest releases,...