Service Bus limits Site Recovery limits SQL Database limits Azure Synapse Analytics limits StorSimple System limits Stream Analytics limits Virtual Machines limits Virtual Machine Scale Sets limits Virtual Network Manager limits Dev tunnels limits See also Show 83 more ...
Azure 基礎結構能夠在 SQL Database 服務出現繁重的工作負載時動態重新設定伺服器。 此動態行為可能導致您的用戶端程式遺失其與資料庫或執行個體的連線。 此類錯誤情況稱為「暫時性錯誤」 。 資料庫重新設定事件由於規劃的事件 (例如,軟體升級) 或未規劃的事件 (例如,處理序損毀或負載平衡) 而發生。 大部分的重新...
• Azure SQL 托管实例资源限制。 40613 17 Database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them with the session tracing ID of '%.*ls'. 如果已建立到...
Manage and scale multiple Hyperscale databases in Azure SQL Database by using Hyperscale elastic pools. For one price, you can distribute resources where they're needed.
Today, there are more than two million Azure SQL Databases and the maximum database size is 4TB. But those limitations of data sync are still there. It is mainly because that syncing data is a size of data operation. Without an architectural change, we can’t ensure the service can sustai...
Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance You receive error messages when the connection to Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Managed Instance fails. As always, apply best practices and design guidelines during theapplication designprocess. ...
4– Moving to Azure SQL Database 5– Executing Background Tasks 6– Evaluating Cloud Hosting Costs 7– Moving to Azure Table Storage Glossary Bibliography Developing Multi-tenant Applications for the Cloud, 3rd Edition Building Hybrid Applications in the Cloud on Microsoft Azure Enterprise Library 5.0...
4– Moving to Azure SQL Database 5– Executing Background Tasks 6– Evaluating Cloud Hosting Costs 7– Moving to Azure Table Storage Glossary Bibliography Developing Multi-tenant Applications for the Cloud, 3rd Edition Building Hybrid Applications in the Cloud on Microsoft Azure Enterprise Library 5.0...
Azure SQL Database's BULK INSERT command is a powerful tool for importing large volumes of data quickly. A C# Solution: Bridging the Gap To overcome this limitation, we can develop a C# console application that reads Parquet files, processes the data, and ut...
Azure SQL Database Tier has a limitation for the TEMPDB capacity, normaly, the best way to resolve the issue to increase a higher database tier, but, if you need to identify the query/queries and their TEMPDB consumption per each one, please, run the following TSQLs to obtain the ...