在進階和業務關鍵服務層級中,當連線到唯讀複本時,sys.dm_database_replica_states DMV 中的 redo_queue_size 和redo_rate 資料行可用來監視資料同步程序,以作為唯讀複本上的資料傳播延遲指標。為SQL Database 啟用和停用讀取縮放若為SQL 受控執行個體,讀取縮放會在業務關鍵服務層級上自動啟用,無法在一般用途服務層級...
在使用異地複寫的應用程序生產案例中,每個租用戶都會從一開始就佈建異地複寫的資料庫。 請參閱使用Azure SQL 資料庫設計高可用性服務在PowerShell ISE 中,開啟 ...\Learning Modules\Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery\DR-FailoverToReplica\Demo-FailoverToReplica.ps1 指令碼並設定下列值: $DemoScenario =...
详细了解如何使用不产生许可证成本的备用副本 (replica)为Azure SQL 数据库启用灾难恢复。 备用副本 (replica)已正式发布(正式版)。 推荐的资源 为 Azure SQL 数据库配置免许可备用副本(预览版) Azure SQL 数据库的无许可证备用副本 (replica)正式发布 Azure SQL DB 无
La gestione, il monitoraggio e la risoluzione dei problemi di replica devono essere eseguiti da SQL Server invece che dal database SQL di Azure. È supportato solo @subscriber_type = 0 in sp_addsubscription per il database SQL. Il database SQL di Azure non supporta la replica bidirezi...
Azure SQL Database enables you to choose how many CPU you want to use, how much storage you need, and to dynamically change these parameters any time. Then you can simply add more CPU power or storage if the current resources cannot handle your workload....
Build apps that scale with managed and intelligent SQL database in the cloud Part of the Azure SQL family of SQL database services, Azure SQL Database is the intelligent, scalable database service built for the cloud with AI-powered features that maintain peak performance and durability. ...
Build apps that scale with managed and intelligent SQL database in the cloud Part of the Azure SQL family of SQL database services, Azure SQL Database is the intelligent, scalable database service built for the cloud with AI-powered features that maintain peak performance and durability. ...
1. 开启 Azure Database for MySQL 的 Binlog 默认Azure Database for MySQL 在无 Replica 副本情况下 Binlog 是关闭的,可以通过添加 Replica 副本的方式来间接开启 Binlog,开启完毕后将 Replica 服务删除。 登入Azure Database for MySQL 查看 Binlog 状态 ...
When you sign-up for SQL Azure the contacts involves a database size. Fix the database max size in your testing environment to simulate the same behavior as SQL Azure. Failover Simulations SQL Azure keeps 3 replica of the database to protect your data. Along with ...
1. The first step is to ensure the application is compatible with Azure SQL Database. 2. Validate migration process functionality, and minimize required application downtime. 3. Ensure adequate database performance, once migrated to Azure SQL Database. 4. Operationalize migrated data...