Build apps faster and scale automatically on Azure SQL Database, the intelligent, fully managed relational cloud database.
Explore Azure What is Azure? Get started with Azure Global infrastructure Datacenter regions Trust your cloud Azure Essentials Customer stories Products and pricing Products Azure pricing Free Azure services Flexible purchase options FinOps on Azure Optimize your costs Solutions and ...
Since most services support REST endpoints, you can now use stored procedures in Azure SQL Database to push data from the SQL engine with T-SQL to just about any REST endpoint you can think of. This enables you to use the power of T-SQL to push data within the engine tomany other ...
SQL SETANSI_MODE =FALSE;SELECTcast('a'ASINTEGER); 參數化複雜查詢 您可以使用多個語句來參數化通用數據表運算式或其他複雜查詢的檢視名稱。 下列查詢會建立兩個暫存檢視。 語句SELECT會IDENTIFIER使用 子句將輸入字串解譯為數據表名稱。 請參閱IDENTIFIER 子句。
can connect to an on-premises server on your machine or network, a localdb instance, SQL Server for Linux, SQL Server running in a Docker or Windows container, SQL Azure, or SQL Azure Data Warehouse. There’s also preview support for the recently released Azur...
Achieve high availability with Azure Cosmos DB Azure Cosmos DB provides multiple features and configuration options to achieve high availability. High availability for Azure SQL Database and SQL Managed Instance The database shouldn't be a single point of failure in your architecture.Technology...
Update-Database -Verbose Update-Database 命令的輸出會產生Alter Table SQL 語句,以將新的資料行新增至 TriviaQuestions 數據表,如下圖所示。 新增產生的數據行 SQL 語句 在SQL Server 物件總管 中,重新整理 dbo。TriviaQuestions 數據表,並檢查是否已顯示新的 Hint 數據...
Hi Folks,I have a requirement to create new SQL database with close to around 10 tables including all fact and dimention tables. This database stores the...
With this announcement, Azure also becomes the first cloud provider to offer its own single database service that supports both relational and NoSQL workloads. You can now build cloud-native applications for relational and non-relational data using the familiarAzure Cosmos DBdatabase. ...
Azure SQL database to use for this tutorial If using Hasura Cloud: Open your Cloud app, or launch a new one for this tutorial If required, from the “Add Database” configuration panel use the “Heroku” tab to create & attach a free Heroku Postgres DB ...