SQL 複製 ALTER DATABASE current SET AUTOMATIC_TUNING = AUTO | INHERIT | CUSTOM 將自動調整設定為 AUTO 會套用 Azure 預設值。 將它設定為 INHERIT時,會繼承自父伺服器的自動調整組態。 如果您選擇 CUSTOM,則必須手動設定自動調整。 若要透過 T-SQL 設定個別的自動調整選項,請連線到資料庫並執行下列查詢:...
SQL ALTERDATABASEcurrentSETAUTOMATIC_TUNING =AUTO| INHERIT | CUSTOM 将自动优化设置为 AUTO 时,会应用 Azure 默认值。 将其设置为 INHERIT 时,会从父服务器继承自动优化配置。 选择 CUSTOM 时,需手动配置自动优化。 要通过 T-SQL 配置单个自动优化选项,请连接至数据库并执行如下所示的查询: ...
You can now run your production DB workload in SQL DB for a day, and Database Advisor will help you improve your database performance by providing custom tuning recommendations. You can also opt-in to automated tuning mode where the tuning recommendations will be auto-applied to your database...
Despite its name, the serverless compute tier does require you to have a server with your database. The serverless option can best be thought of as an autoscaling and autopause solution for SQL Database. It's effective for lowering the costs in development and tes...
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Fluent v1.38.1 Gets automatic tuning actual state. Possible values include: 'Inherit', 'Custom', 'Auto', 'Unspecified' C# [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="properties.actualState")]publicMicrosoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Fluent.Models.AutomaticT...
In closing, running your data estate on Azure SQL Database is like putting it on auto-pilot. By combining the best of SQL Server and built-in intelligent capabilities with the benefits of a fully-managed service, you can focus more on developing great apps and driving growth, efficiently an...
Azure SQL Documentation Azure SQL Shared SQL DB & SQL MI docs Azure SQL Database (SQL DB) Documentation Overview Quickstarts Tutorials Concepts Single databases Elastic pools Logical servers Serverless T-SQL differences from SQL Server In-memory technologies in Azure SQL Database Hyperscale Purchasing...
Cloud database services, such as Microsoft Azure SQL Database, automate several important tasks such as provi- sioning, operating system and database software upgrades, high availability, backups etc, thus reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO). However, in most cases, performance tuning, ...
Azure SQL Search Azure SQL Documentation Azure SQL Shared SQL DB & SQL MI docs Azure SQL Database (SQL DB) Azure SQL Managed Instance (SQL MI) SQL Server on Azure VMs Documentation What's new? Windows Overview Quickstarts Concepts How-to guides Connect to SQL Server VM Create SQL Serve...
Data SQL Database Automatic Tuning New Data SQL Database Azure Data Studio New Data SQL Database Connection String New Data SQL Database Data Discovery & Classification New Data SQL Database Dynamic Data Masking New Data SQL Database Export New Data SQL Database Ledger New Data SQL Database ...