SQL 复制 ALTER ROLE [role name] ADD MEMBER [your_resource_name]; 配置Azure SQL 数据库链接服务。 示例 JSON 复制 { "name": "AzureSqlDbLinkedService", "properties": { "type": "AzureSqlDatabase", "typeProperties": { "server": "<name or network address of the SQL server instance>...
SQL 复制 ALTER ROLE [role name e.g. db_owner] ADD MEMBER [your_factory_or_workspace_name] 配置SQL 托管实例链接服务。 示例:使用系统分配的托管标识身份验证 JSON 复制 { "name": "AzureSqlDbLinkedService", "properties": { "type": "AzureSqlMI", "typeProperties": { "server": "<name...
架构string✔外部数据架构是一个或多个列名和数据类型的逗号分隔列表,其中每个项遵循格式:ColumnName:ColumnType。 SqlTableNamestring不包括数据库名称的 SQL 表的名称。 例如,"MySqlTable" 而不是 "db1.MySqlTable"。 如果表的名称包含句点(“.”),则使用 ['Name.of.the.table'] 表示法。
在专用 SQL 池中,支持在 ALTER TABLE 命令中使用 TRUNCATE_TARGET 选项。 带 TRUNCATE_TARGET 的ALTER TABLE 命令会使用新数据覆盖分区中的现有数据。 下面是一个示例。此示例使用 CTAS 创建一个包含现有数据的新表,插入新数据,然后将所有数据切换回目标表中,覆盖现有的数据。
SQL 复制 CREATE CERTIFICATE Sales09 WITH SUBJECT = 'Customer Credit Card Numbers'; GO CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY CreditCards_Key11 WITH ALGORITHM = AES_256 ENCRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE Sales09; GO -- Create a column in which to store the encrypted data. ALTER TABLE Sales.CreditCard ADD CardNumber_...
Create or alter a table or index and specify the partition scheme as the storage location, along with the column that will serve as the partitioning column. Note Partitioning is fully supported in Azure SQL Database. Because only thePRIMARYfilegroup is supported in Azure SQL Database, all parti...
Create or alter a table or index and specify the partition scheme as the storage location, along with the column that will serve as the partitioning column. Note Partitioning is fully supported in Azure SQL Database. Because only thePRIMARYfilegroup is supported in Azure SQL Database, all parti...
Create or alter a table or index and specify the partition scheme as the storage location, along with the column that will serve as the partitioning column. Note Partitioning is fully supported in Azure SQL Database. Because only thePRIMARYfilegroup is supported in Azure SQL Database, all parti...
150 or later, which is the case for the vast majority of databases in Azure SQL. For databases using compatibility level 100, we provide a different script,get-sqldb-tips-compat-level-100-only.sql. When using that script, data in thedetailscolumn may not be sorted in any particular order...
我们可以在本地SQL Server 2016,创建以下方法Function CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_stretchpredicate(@column1 datatype1, @column2 datatype2 [, ...n]) RETURNS TABLE WITH SCHEMABINDING AS RETURN SELECT1AS is_eligible WHERE<predicate> 返回值: 如果返回的值为非空(non-empty)的话,则这些返回结果会被迁移到...