(in preview in SQL Database) and users, collectively referred to as principals. The admin is a contained database user in themasterdatabase of the server. Administrator accounts are members of thedb_ownerrole in every user database, and each user database is entered as thedbouser. For ...
解决方法:将登录名添加到 SQL 代理固定数据库角色(SQLAgentUserRole、SQLAgentReaderRole 或 SQLAgentOperatorRole)后,对于添加到这些角色的每个登录名,请执行以下 T-SQL 脚本,向列出的存储过程显式授予 EXECUTE 权限。SQL 复制 USE [master]; GO CREATE USER [login_name] FOR LOGIN [login_name]; ...
SQL -- Run the script in the master-- Please run the script on Master databaseCREATELOGIN testuserwithPassword='***';ALTERSERVERROLE##MS_DefinitionReader##ADDMEMBER[testuser]; GOALTERSERVERROLE##MS_DatabaseConnector##ADDMEMBER[testuser]; GOALTERSERVERROLE##MS_DatabaseManager##ADDMEMBER[testuser];...
如果将 Azure SQL 数据库中的数据库创建为 Microsoft Entra 用户并为其启用 CDC,SQL 用户(例如,sysadmin 角色 中的其中一个)将无法禁用/更改 CDC 项目。 但是,另一个 Microsoft Entra 用户将能够在同一数据库上启用/禁用 CDC。 同样,如果以 SQL 用户身份创建 Azure SQL 数据库,则无法以 Microsoft Entra 用户身...
遵循本節中的步驟,在 SSMS 中使用 Transact-SQL 建立一或多個檔案群組、對應的檔案和資料分割資料表。 SQL Server 和 Azure SQL 受控執行個體都支援建立檔案群組和檔案。 Azure SQL 受控執行個體會自動設定新增之所有資料庫檔案的路徑,因此 Azure SQL 受控執行個體中的ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE命令不允許使用FILENAME...
碎片会影响I/O性能,不过对于位于SQL Server数据缓冲内的数据页而言,碎片
ALTER ANY DATASPACE permission. This permission defaults to members of thesysadminfixed server role and thedb_owneranddb_ddladminfixed database roles. CONTROL or ALTER permission on the database in which the partition function and partition scheme are being created. ...
ALTER ANY DATASPACE permission. This permission defaults to members of thesysadminfixed server role and thedb_owneranddb_ddladminfixed database roles. CONTROL or ALTER permission on the database in which the partition function and partition scheme are being created. ...
Connect to Azure SQL Managed Instance using a SQL client, and then complete the following steps: Create a GGADMIN user: CREATE login GGADMIN with password = 'W3lcome@1234' Create user GGADMIN for login GGADMIN ALTER SERVER ROLE sysadmin ADD MEMBER GGADMIN ...
Now that you have finished configuring Active Directory and the user objects, you will create three SQL Server VMs and join them to this domain. Create the SQL Server VMs Next, you create the three VMs you will use which includes a WSFC cluster node and two SQL Server VMs. To create eac...