该映像驻留在 azure-cognitive-services/speechservices/ 存储库中,名为 speech-to-text。 完全限定的容器映像名称为 mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/speechservices/speech-to-text。 追加特定版本或追加 :latest 以获取最新版本。 展开表 版本路径 最晚 mcr.microsoft.co...
https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/rest-speech-to-text#regions-and-endpoints Azure 中国区 的 Speech API 终结点: 截至到2020.2月,仅中国东部2区域已开通Speech服务,服务终结点为: https://chinaeast2.stt.speech.azure.cn/speech/recognition/conversation/cognitiveservice...
Product: Speech to text Refine results This form will update the search results and the form fields automatically when input state is changed or when the form is submitted. Currently selected items and filters are under the "current selections" heading and can be clicked to remove them from...
In this quickstart, learn how to use the Speech service to convert speech to text with recognition from a microphone or .wav file.
Get an overview of the benefits and capabilities of the speech to text feature of the Speech service.
_text = chunk.choices[0].delta.content if chunk_text: collected_messages.append(chunk_text) if chunk_text in tts_sentence_end: text = "".join(collected_messages).strip() # join the received message together to build a sentence last_tts_request = speech_synthesizer.start_speaking_text_...
print('RECOGNIZED: {}'.format(evt.result.text)) def stop_cb(evt: speechsdk.SessionEventArgs): """callback that signals to stop continuous recognition""" print('CLOSING on {}'.format(evt)) nonlocal done done = True # Connect callbacks to the events fired by the speech recognizer ...
Website https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/ Privacy policy https://privacy.microsoft.com Categories AI;Website The Speech service allows you to convert text into synthesized speech and get a list of supported voices for a region by using a REST API. Pre-requisite...
dontnet new console -n TextToSpeech cd TextToSpeech dotnet add package Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech 项目创建成功过之后,使用编辑器或者IDE打开该项目,打开文件Program.cs, 在文件的顶部加入如下的包依赖: using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsof...