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ApiKey The API key of the Speech resource that's used to track billing information.The ApiKey value is used to start the container and is available on the Azure portal's Keys page of the corresponding Speech resource. Go to the Keys page, and select the Copy to clipboard icon. Billing ...
OpenAI 的参数,第7-9行的 azure_endpoint、api_key、api_version;以及第75行的模型名字 model。 Azure Speech 服务的参数,第13-14行的 speech_key、service_region,以及第17-22行的 Text to Speech language 和 Speech to Text language。默认选择的是普通话,用户可以到 MS Learn 的网页Language Support上查看对...
Api Key ApiKey All regions Shareable Azure AD Integrated Use Azure Active Directory to access your speech service. US Government (GCC) only Not shareable Azure AD Integrated (Azure Government) Use Azure Active Directory to access your speech service. Azure Government and Department of Defense (DoD...
PORT=5001\nAPI_KEY_SPEECH=add speech service api key here\nAPI_SPEECH_REGION=eastus\nAPI_KEY_OPENAI=add openai api key here speechRoute.js. Add the following code to create the routes that perform a GET request with a specific endpoint. ...
As a new Azure user, you can use credits from your free Azure trial subscription and the free tier of the Speech service to complete this tutorial.Here's what this tutorial covers:Create new Azure resources. Build, test, and deploy the echo bot sample to Azure App Service. ...
def tts_azure(text='', filename='data/audios/tts.pcm', voice='zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural'): region = 'eastasia' url = f'https://{region}.tts.speech.microsoft.com/cognitiveservices/v1' headers = { "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": azure_key, "Content-Type": "application/ssml+xml", "X-...
My goal is to use speech-to-text services and obtain a private API key for my app. (I have tried all of this with multiple email addresses on different laptops) I signup for Azure and I can auth in and see the main screen where I can access the… ...
Notice that there’s an option to change the Service access policy key from iothubowner to service. As discussed in Part 1 where the device identity is created, iothubowner has the permission to create new devices, letting them insert data into the IoT hub, while the service policy has on...
One for the Web service URL and another for the API key to access the service. The API key is found on the Web service dashboard inFigure 5. The URL can be found on the same dashboard. In the Default Endpoint section, right-click the text link Request/Response and choose Copy Link ...