Pricing calculator Calculate your estimated hourly or monthly costs for using Azure. Get started with Azure Reset now
Learn more about App Service features and capabilities. Pricing calculator Estimate your expected monthly costs for using any combination of Azure products. SLA Review the Service Level Agreement for App Service. Documentation Review technical tutorials, videos, and more App Service resources. ...
First, you use the Azure pricing calculator to help plan for App Service costs before you add any resources for the service to estimate costs. Next, as you add Azure resources, review the estimated costs. After you've started using App Service resources, use Cost Management features to set ...
The Azure pricing page provides details for specific services; for example, Windows Virtual Machines. You can also use the Azure pricing calculator to estimate your costs. See What is Microsoft Billing? for tips to help manage your costs.How...
The Azure pricing page provides details for specific services; for example, Windows Virtual Machines. You can also use the Azure pricing calculator to estimate your costs. See What is Microsoft Billing? for tips to help manage your costs.How...
Adatum used the Azure pricing calculator, together with some calculations in an Excel spreadsheet. For more information, see Chapter 6, “Evaluating Cloud Hosting Costs.” The Hands-on Labs associated with this guide include a cost calculation spreadsheet and describe how you can calculate the appr...
Azure 数据资源管理器提供定价计算器来估算群集的成本。 估算基于规范,例如估计的数据引入和引擎工作负荷。 更改配置时,价格估算也会更改,以便了解配置选择的成本影响。 本文介绍计算器的每个组件,并提供有关如何配置群集的更好决策的提示。 工作原理 设置群集的区域、环境和估计数据引入。 然后,计算器根据以下每个组件...
A Microsoft liberou publicamente “The Windows Azure Pricing Calculator”. Através dela, um usuário pode manipular facilmente a taxa de cada serviço e identificar na hora quais os valores e ofertas que adequadas na contratação.Ref.:
The Azure Total Cost of Ownership(TCO) Calculator is used to estimate the cost savings you can achieve by migrating your application workloads to Microsoft Azure.
*某些产品可能不符合某些付款和费用方案。请参考 Azure 门户或定价计算器 ( 了解有关可用性的更多信息。 使用Azure 预付款:微软每个月都会从客户的Azure 预付款(或已分配年度预付款,如适用)中扣除客户使用合格 Microsoft Azure 服务所需支付的金额。在客户的Azure 预...