Azure Functions 可在 Azure App Service 平台上執行。 在 App Service 平台中,主控進階方案函數應用程式的方案稱為彈性進階方案,SKU 名稱類似EP1。 如果您選擇在進階方案執行函數應用程式,請務必使用以「E」開頭的 SKU 名稱來建立方案,例如EP1。 以「P」開頭的 App Service 方案 SKU 名稱,例如P1V2(進階 V2 小...
resource "azurerm_app_service_plan" "plan" { name = "${var.app_name}-Premium-ConsumptionPlan" location = "WestUS" resource_group_name = "${}" kind = "Elastic" reserved = true sku { tier = "ElasticPremium" size = "EP1" } } data "azurerm_...
Details and configuration options (virtual network, no cold start, unlimited execution duration) for the Azure Functions Premium plan.
執行下列 az functionapp plan create 命令,在與現有函數應用程式相同的區域和資源群組中,建立新的 App Service 方案 (彈性進階): Azure CLI 複製 開啟Cloud Shell az functionapp plan create --name <NEW_PREMIUM_PLAN_NAME> --resource-group <MY_RESOURCE_GROUP> --location <REGION> ...
使用命令,在 [彈性進階 1] 定價層 (--sku EP1)、您的 <REGION> 和Linux 容器 (--is-linux) 中為名為 myPremiumPlan 的Azure Functions 建立進階方案。 Azure CLI Azure PowerShell Azure CLI 複製 az functionapp plan create --resource-group AzureFunctionsContainers-rg --name myPremiumPlan...
The previous command will start a wizard. Select your desired operating system, Java version, and App Service Plan type. In this case, we suggestLinux,Java 17, andP1v2. Copy DefinevalueforOS[Linux]: 1:Windows* 2:Linux3:DockerEnteryour choice:2DefinevalueforjavaVersion[Java8]:*1:Java82:...
webAppPlanSku Defines the name, tier, size, family and capacity of the App Service Plan. Plans ending to _AZ, are deplying at least three instances in three Availability Zones. select one from: 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'P1V3', 'P2V3', 'P3V3', 'P1V3_AZ', 'P2V3_AZ', 'EP1', '...
\n Azure Storage can’t be used outside of the Azure cloud. \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n You have full control over the database, logins, and have direct access to the runtime data, making it easy to protect and secure as necessary. MSSQL also...
webAppPlanSku Defines the name, tier, size, family and capacity of the App Service Plan. Plans ending to _AZ, are deplying at least three instances in three Availability Zones. select one from: 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'P1V3', 'P2V3', 'P3V3', 'P1V3_AZ', 'P2V3_AZ', 'EP1', '...