Take advantage of Azure Service Fabric’s container hosting, cluster resource management, and workload orchestration capabilities. Choose your architecture: Build stateless or stateful microservices—an architectural approach where complex applications are composed of small, independently versioned services—to ...
Service Fabric 是使用分層的子系統所建置。 這些子系統可讓您撰寫的應用程式為: 高可用性 可調整 可管理 可測試 下圖顯示 Service Fabric 的主要子系統。 在分散式系統中,能夠叢集中的節點之間安全地進行通訊非常重要。 堆疊的基底為傳輸子系統,可讓您安全地在節點之間進行通訊。 傳輸子系統上方即為同盟子系統,會...
(群集和工作负荷)使用 Service Fabric 运行状况模型 持续监视解决方案的运行状况。 此工具补充整体工作负荷运行状况模型 (群集和工作负荷)创建用于监视客户端证书到期日期的过程。 例如,Key Vault 提供一项功能,该功能在证书的生命周期 x% 已过时发送电子邮件。 (群集和工作负荷)使...
Service Fabric 群集配置为仅使用 Azure Active Directory 进行客户端身份验证。 为实现全面治理,请查看Azure Policy 的内置定义,其中包括 Service Fabric和其他可能影响 [cloud-infrastructure-area] 安全性的策略。 Azure 顾问建议 Azure 顾问是一名个性化的云顾问,可帮助你遵循最佳做法来优化 Azure 部署。 下面是一些建...
Service Fabric 是一种通用的部署环境;您可以部署基于任意语言(Microsoft .NET Framework、Node.js、Java 和 C++)或数据库运行时(如 MongoDB)的所有可执行文件。 因此,请务必明确一点,Azure Service Fabric 并不局限于面向微服务的应用程序。您还可以使用它来托管和部署传统应用程序(Web ...
Azure Service Fabric:Refers to the interconnected architecture of microservices and distributed nodes. Microsoft Fabric:Refers to the integration of diverse data tools and services into a cohesive whole. While they operate in entirely different domains—Azure Service Fabric for application-level microservice...
Assessing Microsoft Azure Service Fabric for DevOps and Microservice ArchitectureTraverse Clayton
Microsoft's next-gen PaaS, Service Fabric, offers unique benefits -- including support for stateful services and Reliable Actors. Here's how to get all you can from it
serverless architecture isn’t code that runs without servers. In fact, servers are still very much required; you just don’t have to think about them. You might think it’s the next iteration of Platform as a Service (PaaS), and while close, it’s not really that, either. So what,...
Do you want to create an Event Driven Architecture while using Azure Service Fabric? Do you need to reliably broadcast messages between Actors and Services? This code will help you do that. It supports both Actors and Services as publishers and subscribers. Documentation (http://service-fabric-...