可以在工作区的 Microsoft Sentinel |自动化页面的 Playbook 模板选项卡找到他们。 GitHub具有由社区构建的各种 Microsoft Sentinel playbook。 部署此方案 在确保满足先决条件后,可按照工作流中的步骤部署此方案。 先决条件 准备软件并选择测试用户 部署playbook 准备软件并选择测试用户 若要实现和测试 playbook,需要...
Welcome to the unified Microsoft Sentinel and Microsoft 365 Defender repository! This repository contains out of the box detections, exploration queries, hunting queries, workbooks, playbooks and much more to help you get ramped up with Microsoft Sentinel and provide you security content to secure yo...
Azure WAF 还附带了用于防范 SQLi、XSS 和 Log4J 攻击的内置 Sentinel 检测规则模板。 可以在 Sentinel 的“规则模板”部分的“分析”选项卡下找到这些模板。 可以使用这些模板,也可以基于 WAF 日志定义自己的模板。 这些规则的自动化部分可帮助你通过运行 playbook 自动响应事件。 可在此处的网络安全 GitHub 存储库...
A. To create a new Logic app, you can select “Automation” in the navigation pane on the left in the Sentinel portal. From here, you’llcreate a Blank Playbook. select "Blank playbook" from the playbook creation options. B. Once your Logic App Deployment i...
Azure Logic Apps/Microsoft Sentinel Playbooks are a great beneficiary of the capabilities of elastic compute and uses the power of the Azure Cloud platform to automatically scale and meet demand. You do not have to worry about the complexity of infrastructure capacity, h...
使用Azure 上的 GitHub Enterprise 更快速地建置和運送軟體。使用可依照需求調整的 AI 支援平台,加速企業級開發。
GuardDuty Microsoft Sentinel 在本地和云中检测和调查高级攻击。 人工制品 服务信任门户 允许通过云服务访问审核报告、符合性指南和信任文档。 盾 DDoS 保护服务 保护云服务免受分布式拒绝服务 (DDoS) 攻击。Web 应用程序展开表 AWS 服务Azure 服务说明 Elastic Beanstalk 应用程序服务 托管平台提供易于使用的服务,用于...
Learn more about how ASOS hasbenefitted from Azure Sentinel. RapidDeploy and ASOS are just two examples of how Azure Sentinel is helping businesses process data and telemetry into actionable security alerts for investigation and response. We have an activeGitHub communityof preview ...
This connector has been built on http trigger based Azure Function. And it provides an endpoint to which github will be connected through it's webhook capability and posts the subscribed events into Microsoft Sentinel. This might result in additional data ingestion costs. Check theAzure Function...