// Send a text message string messageText = "Thanks for your feedback."; TextNotificationContent textContent = new TextNotificationContent(channelRegistrationId, recipientList, messageText); Response<SendMessageResult> sendTextMessageResult =
sendMessage使用 方法将聊天消息发送到创建 的聊天线程chatThreadClient。 sendChatMessageOptions 用于描述聊天消息请求,下面的代码片段中显示了一个示例。使用content 提供聊天消息内容; 使用priority 指定聊天消息优先级,例如“正常”或“高”; 使用senderDisplayName 指定发送方的显示名称;SendChatMessageResult发送聊天消息...
(toast, userTag); // Windows 10 specific Action Center support toast = @"<toast><visual><binding template=""ToastGeneric""><text id=""1"">" + "From " + user + ": " + message + "</text></binding></visual></toast>"; outcome = await Notifications.Instance.Hub....
Send a 1:1 SMS MessageUse the send or sendWithResponse function to send an SMS message to a single phone number.Java 複製 SmsSendResult sendResult = smsClient.send( "<from-phone-number>", "<to-phone-number>", "Weekly Promotion"); System.out.println("Message Id: " + sendResult....
message.Subject = this.txtMailSubject.Text; message.Body = new MessageBody(((this.chkIsBodyHtml.Checked) ? BodyType.HTML : BodyType.Text), this.txtMailBody.Text); message.SendAndSaveCopy(); message = null; exchangeService = null; this.ltMessageSent.Text = "郵件已寄發。"; 這段程式會透...
let text = await client.sendMessage(prompt, e) @@ -1624,6 +1734,7 @@ export class chatgpt extends plugin { if (err.message?.indexOf('context_length_exceeded') > 0) { logger.warn(err) await redis.del(`CHATGPT:CONVERSATIONS:${e.sender.user_id}`) await redis.del(`CHATGPT:WRONG_...
Now send a text message to your Twilio phone number. If you texted "Hello", then you should get a reply back saying "You said: Hello". If there are any problems, you can use the button in the Azure Function to see what error messages are happening on the server-side. To see errors...
message.Html = string.Format("{0}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(message.Text)); 1. 总结 本文概要的介绍了在 Azure 上的 C# 应用中,如何使用 SendGrid 发送电子邮件。虽然代码不多,但描述了整个操作过程,希望对朋友们有所帮助。
transport.DeliverAsync(myMessage); 代码很简单,不需要解释。需要注意的是这段代码在您本地调试时是无法发送邮件的。您需要把您的应用发布到 Azure的 Web App 或是 Cloud Service 上才能成功的发送邮件。 发送带附件的邮件 您可以使用 SendGridMessage.AddAttachment 方法为您的邮件添加附件。这个方法有两个重载,分别...
async SendGrid.SendGridClient.RequestAsync(Method method,String requestBody,String queryParams,String urlPath,CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at async at async Client.SendGridClient.SendMessageAsync(SendGridMessage msg,CancellationToken cancella...