从Microsoft 支持部门 Professional 收到的 Secure File Exchange 工作区链接将在发出给你的 90 天后过期,而不管服务请求是打开还是关闭。 如果链接已过期且案例处于活动状态,请向 Microsoft 支持部门 Professional 请求新链接。 当Microsoft 支持部门 Professional 关闭服务请求时,工作区本身将不可访问。 如果重新打开...
不过,截至目前,这项功能还只是处于Preview阶段,且仅在部分区域可用,具体可以参考下边的文档 https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/storage/blobs/secure-file-transfer-protocol-support?WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5001235 同时这项功能的开启还需要依赖一些前提条件,包括: 一个标准常规用途 v2 存储帐户或...
For more information, see Secure File Transfer (SFTP) protocol support in Azure Blob Storage. Blob storage Enable network file system (NFS) v3 Optional NFS v3 provides Linux file system compatibility at object storage scale enables Linux clients to mount a container in Blob storage from an Azure...
启用安全传输。Secure transfer required设置通过仅将来自安全连接的请求限制到存储帐户,来增强存储帐户的安全性。 考虑使用 REST API 访问存储帐户的情况。 如果尝试连接,并且启用了所需的安全传输,则必须使用 HTTPS 进行连接。 如果尝试使用 HTTP 连接到帐户,并且启用了所需的安全传输,则会拒绝连接。
要求安全传输时,来自不安全连接的任何请求都会被拒绝。 Microsoft 建议始终对所有存储帐户都要求采用安全传输。 要求安全传输时,必须通过 HTTPS 调用 Azure 存储 REST API 操作。 通过 HTTP 发出的任何请求都会被拒绝。 默认情况下,创建存储帐户时,会启用“需要安全传输”属性。 Azure Policy 提...
Secure transfer required: 安全传输,如果对于传输有着过高的要求,可以开启这项选项,一旦开启,比如同时用Http 和 Https 进行访问时,只有加密的 Https 才可以。 Subscription: 订阅选择 Resource group: 资源组,如果已经有资源组,选择已创建的既可以,或者新创建一个 Location: 区域选择 Virtual networks: 如果对于网络有...
Simple, secure and serverless enterprise-grade cloud file shares Take advantage of fully managed file shares in the cloud that are accessible via the industry-standard SMB and NFS protocols. Azure file shares can be mounted concurrently by cloud or on-premises deployments of Windows, Linux, and ...
Secure, develop, and operate infrastructure, apps, and Azure services anywhere. Product Pricing Azure Database for PostgreSQL Fully managed, intelligent, and scalable PostgreSQL. Product Pricing Azure DevOps Services for teams to share code, track work, and ship software. Product Pricing Azure...
To get started with cloud-based MFA, seeTutorial: Secure user sign-in events with Azure multifactor authentication. Plan your deployment Before you download the Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server, think about what your load and high availability requirements are. Use this information to decide...
To get started with cloud-based MFA, seeTutorial: Secure user sign-in events with Azure multifactor authentication. Plan your deployment Before you download the Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server, think about what your load and high availability requirements are. Use this information to decide...