Service: Search Service API Version: 2023-11-01 检索索引定义。 HTTP 复制 试用 GET {endpoint}/indexes('{indexName}')?api-version=2023-11-01 URI 参数 展开表 名称在必需类型说明 endpoint path True string 搜索服务的终结点 URL。 indexName path True string 要检索的索引的名称。 api-version ...
Request URIs must include the api-version. The value must be set to a supported version, formatted as shown in this example: GET https://[search service name] Request headers must include either an api-key or a bearer token for authenticate...
為服務命名在[執行個體詳細資料] 的 [URL] 欄位中提供服務名稱。 此名稱是端點的一部分,API 呼叫會對此端點發出:。 例如,如果您所需的端點是,則應輸入 myservice。服務名稱需求:...
服务: Search Management API 版本: 2023-11-01 在给定资源组中创建或更新搜索服务。 如果搜索服务已存在,将使用给定值更新所有属性。 HTTP 复制 试用 PUT{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Search/searchServices/{searchService...[subscriptionId]/resourceGroups/[resourceGroupName]/providers/Microsoft.Search/searchServices/[serviceName]?api-version=2020-08-01 以下客户端通常用于调用管理 REST API: 客户端说明和示例 使用Az.搜索 模块Azure PowerShell使用 Azure PowerShell 管理 Azure AI 搜索 ...
Microsoft.SearchsearchServices searchServices Microsoft.SecurityN/AantiMalwareSettings defenderForStorageSettings microsoft.securityinsightsN/Asettings Microsoft.ServiceBusNamespaces Namespaces Microsoft.ServiceNetworkingtrafficControllers trafficControllers Microsoft.SignalRServiceSignalR ... - searches with a configurable number of returned items (older docker cli was limited to 25 results) - cleans out OS package and programming language caches, call near end of Dockerfile to reduce Docker image size see also the Dockerfiles repo
api-key:[admin key] 其中[service name]是创建的服务的名称,[index name]是创建的索引的名称,[api-version] 是api版本必须要添加,当前版本为 api-version=2020-06-30,[admin key]就是管理员密钥。追加文档的RequestBody的格式如下: {"value":[{"@search.action":"upload (default) | merge | mergeOrUpl...
Search Service Surface locations, addresses, points of interest (POIs), and other geographical information through Azure Maps API. Drawing Tools Draw boundaries or points of interest with icons, polygons, boundary shapes, or custom implementations. ...
Change the permissions so that the team member or group can contribute and manage permissions for the folder. Enter the name of a user or group within the search box. This example adds the Service Delivery team and grant them permissions to create and manage permissions to all queries and fol...