截至2023 年 6 月,合作伙伴可以通过合作伙伴中心购买 Azure 储蓄计划(ASP)。 以前,Azure 节省计划仅支持通过 Azure 门户进行购买。 合作伙伴现在可以通过合作伙伴中心门户、API 购买 Azure 节省计划,也可以继续使用Azure 门户。 要使用合作伙伴中心 API 购买 Azure 节省计划,请参阅购买 Azure 节省计划。 备注 目前,...
Save up to 65% on compute services with an easy, flexible savings plan. Choose your plan term and the amount you'll spend each hour. Get savings optimized across your usage.
BenefitType To isolate savings plan charges, filter with SavingsPlan.הרחב טבלה APINew attributeDescription Get invoice billed and unbilled commercial consumption line items BenefitId Unique identifier for each Azure Savings Plan. BenefitOrderId Links daily charges to monthly cost...
開始使用 成為合作夥伴 充分利用合作夥伴關係 比較優惠方案 合作夥伴中心 尋找合作夥伴 歡迎與我們一同成長 Microsoft 行動寶盒 ISV 成長 新商務和授權 商業市集 解決方案合作夥伴頭銜 資源 訓練 Microsoft Learn 適用於合作夥伴的 MCAPS Start 活動 Microsoft 合作夥伴社群 Microsoft 合作夥伴...
Azure savings plan for computehttps://aka.ms/savingsplan-computeto understand broadly how savings plan works. You can alsoread about Azure savings plan for compute at Microsoft Learnhttps://aka.ms/savingplans/docand about Cost Management APIs at Microsoft Learnhttps://aka.ms/CostManag...
合作夥伴中心 尋找合作夥伴 歡迎與我們一同成長 Microsoft 行動寶盒 ISV 成長 新商務和授權 商業市集 解決方案合作夥伴頭銜 資源 訓練 Microsoft Learn 適用於合作夥伴的 MCAPS Start 活動 Microsoft 合作夥伴社群 Microsoft 合作夥伴部落格 支援 取得支援 支援方案 合作夥伴中心指南 香港...
However, this role allows accessing Secrets as any ServiceAccount in the namespace, so it can be used to gain the API access levels of any ServiceAccount in the namespace. Applying this role at cluster scope will give access across all namespaces. 5af6afb3-c06c-4fa4-8848-71a8aee05683 ...
SavingsPlan string RecipientTransferDetails 传输的详细信息。 展开表 名称类型说明 id string 资源的完全限定资源 ID。 例如“/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}” name string 资源的名称 properties.allo...
Is$5 USD per hour the minimum commitment? $1.87 is automatically populated when I am trying to create the savings plan (and other options/saving rate in the dropdown list). I haven't clicked the purchase button to validate. Just like to understand that ...
Save up to 65% on compute services with an easy, flexible savings plan. Choose your plan term and the amount you'll spend each hour. Get savings optimized across your usage.