试用Microsoft Fabric 中的数据工厂,这是一种适用于企业的一站式分析解决方案。Microsoft Fabric涵盖从数据移动到数据科学、实时分析、商业智能和报告的所有内容。 了解如何免费开始新的试用! 本文介绍创建和管理 Azure 数据工厂资源所需的角色,以及由这些角色授予的权限。
az role definition list--name"Virtual Machine Contributor"--outputjson--query'[].permissions[0].actions' JSON [ ["Microsoft.Authorization/*/read","Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/*","Microsoft.Compute/locations/*","Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/*","Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/*"...
对于Visual Studio Code Docker 扩展这样的工具,需要额外的资源提供程序访问权限才能列出可用的 Azure 容器注册表。 在这种情况下,请为用户提供对“读者”或“参与者”角色的访问权限。 这些角色允许 docker pull、docker push、az acr list、az acr build 等功能。
这些角色允许 docker pull、docker push、az acr list、az acr build 等功能。 访问资源管理器 Azure CLI Azure PowerShell Azure 资源管理器访问权限是 Azure 门户和使用 Azure CLI 进行注册表管理所需的。 例如,若要通过 az acr list 命令获取一系列注册表,需要此权限集。 创建和删除注册表 创建和删除 Azure...
Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) has several Azure built-in roles that you can assign to users, groups, service principals, and managed identities. Role assignments are the way you control access to Azure resources. If the built-in roles don't meet the specific needs of your ...
PowerShell 复制 $validateRemovedRoles = Get-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $securityPrincipalObject.Id 可以用以下命令代替:PowerShell 复制 $validateRemovedRoles = Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope /subscriptions/$subId | Where-Object -Property ObjectId -EQ $securityPrincipalObject.Id ...
You can also watch and experience these new features in action: Create a custom role To create a custom role using device permissions, go toRoles and administrators, then selectNew Custom Role.In this example, we’ll create a custom role called “BitLocker Recovery Key ...
You can also watch and experience these new features in action: Create a custom role To create a custom role using device permissions, go toRoles and administrators, then selectNew Custom Role.In this example, we’ll create a custom role called “BitLocker Recovery Key ...
For an overview of how permissions and security are managed, see About permissions, access, and security groups, About security roles, and About access levels. To learn how to add users to a group or set a specific permission that you can manage through the web portal, see the following ...
If you provide access to Key Vault keys, certificates, and secrets with an Azure role-based access control, then you need to use a specific built-in role or a custom one with allowed operations on the Data plane. You have the list of those aforementioned built-in rol...